Can you help me analyze a classmates draft English Literature Analysis?

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Below is one of my classmates draft copies of their english literature analysis ... Can you help me answer the following questions about their paper?

Questions to Answer:  

1.  In the introductory paragraph or start of the outline, does your classmate specify the conflict(s), author(s), title of text(s), and techniques that he or she will be writing about?  If not, let your classmate know what information might be missing below.

2.  What is your classmate’s thesis statement?  State it in your own words.  If you cannot identify the thesis statement, suggest a working thesis statement to your classmate.  

3.  Does the thesis statement answer the “So what?” question, meaning how conflict and the meaning of literature are significant for more than just writing a literary analysis? If so, how?  If not, suggest a possible significance.  

4.  Which paragraph or areas of the outline written by your classmate best supports his or her thesis?  Why do you feel this content supports the thesis well?

5.  Which areas of your classmate’s outline or essay do not support his or her thesis?  What can your classmate do to improve these areas (e.g., reorganize the content, add evidence, include another text or research)?  Provide specific suggestions.  

6.  What is the best illustration of a literary technique provided by your classmate, and why do you feel it is strong?  For instance, does your classmate incorporate a good quote from a story or a good paraphrase from a poem that speaks well to a literary technique that he or she incorporates?  

7.  Name one area where your classmate should incorporate more evidence from a literary text to provide an example of a technique or argue that a certain conflict is present in the story.  Be specific about where this evidence should be added and explain why you feel more evidence is needed.

    Death in Literature

Death is one of the most powerful lessons in life. The experience of a love one of death or oneself makes life truly something special. Many people get distracted through life and forget the small little things that can bring happiness.  However, we all face the same fate, which brings humanity just a step closer to unity. In the poem “Burial” by Cathy Linh Che, literacy analysis can provide a deeper meaning through the poems conflict, flashback, and fate.

The conflict in this poem is the longing to know her grandmother.  Cathy states in the poem “I bury the distance, 22 years of not meeting you and your ruined hands”. It has been 22 years and she doesn’t really know her grandmother; she only knows her through the experience and stories through others that have met her. The conflict is that now it’s too late because death has claimed her, so now she will never have any experiences of her grandmother except for the one in the casket.

The Flashback is through the experiences of others. Cathy states in the poem that “the stroke which claimed your right side, the land you gave up when you remarried, your grief over my grandfather’s passing, the war that evaporated your father’s leg”. Cathy learns the hardship that this woman had to go through. She must have been a strong women and would of liked to have known her wisdom in overcoming struggles and defeats.

Fate is something that everyone will share at the end of their road. Cathy describes her grandmother fate through the way that her grandmother looked like in the casket.  She states in the poem that “I bury your hair, parted to the side and pinned back”. This memory is burned in her brain and is a powerful one. People will not fully understand the true, powerful meaning with ever having to have to do this for a loved one. Growing up with a family member and then watching their fate is something that is heartbroken, but to watch someone’s fate, knowing that you will never have the opportunity to know one another, this is loneliness.

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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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