Career E-Portfolio Human Service Integrative Project

User Generated




I need help with this e-portfolio. I will give you access to the site . I Have completed the categories, but I cant figure out how to add the work and add text to the categories. Fell free to rearrange or start over if you have to. Below is a description of the assignment and I will attached documents .

As you assemble your assignments into your ePortfolio, consider how the various aspects of human services professional standards lead to results in the field. With the pace of daily work and expectations in all aspects of our lives, this may not be a topic to which you normally devote a great deal of time.

For this assignment, step back and take a higher-level viewpoint. Write a synthesis of what you have learned about each of the areas in your portfolio (listed below) and include the synthesis in that category of your ePortfolio. Include in each synthesis a description of how the work in your portfolio supports what you have learned in each area and which tools and technology you plan on using in your profession. Each synthesis should require 1–2 pages to complete so that the overall length of this paper could be as brief as five pages or as long as ten pages.

Once you have created a draft, select the synthesis you wrote for one aspect and take advantage of the first discussion in this unit to obtain peer feedback. You can then use the feedback to enhance your assignment before submitting it to your instructor.

As a reminder, here are the expected categories for your ePortfolio:

  • Helping Relationships.
  • The Field of Human Services.
  • Theoretical Models.
  • The Multidisciplinary Approach to Practice.
  • Moving Forward – Professional Development Goals.

Submit a document that includes all five of your syntheses in the assignment area by the end of this unit.

Paste the link to your ePortfolio in the WRITE SUBMISSION text box in the assignment submission area for your instructor.


  • Written communication: Written communication that is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Length of paper: 5–10 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.

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Explanation & Answer

Was nice working with you. I’ll be around to help you if you need me. Don’t forget to invite me for future questions ✌

Title: Human Service Integrative Project
Thesis: This paper analyzes the aspects of helping relationships, theoretical models of human
service, the field of human service, multidisciplinary approach to this service as well as
professional development of goals in this area of service.
1. Introduction
2. Body

a) Helping Relationships

b) The Field of Human Services

c) Theoretical Models

d) The Multidisciplinary Approach to Practice
e) Moving Forward – Professional Development Goals

3. References


Human Service Integrative Project
Institution affiliation





Human service integration can be seen either as challenging or on the other hand, rewarding. In
any case, the goals involved in this integration include personal and family intervention when it comes to
matters concerning relationship problems in a family relationship. Failure to adhere to such needs leads
to unsolicited negative human behaviors in a society. This paper analyzes the aspects of helping
relationships, theoretical models of human service, the field of human service, multidisciplinary approach
to this service as well as professional development of goals in this area of service.

Helping Relationships

Helping relationships is the approach with the objectivity of attaining human needs after
interdisciplinary information grounds for the purposes of solving human problems and improvement of life.
It involves a combination of mutual actions between people coming together for a common good. Parties
involved in this kind of a relationship may be from diverse origins such as different societies and their
coming together is based on merging different cultures to create a blend that will aid both parties in
obtaining success in any field (Combs 1971).

Assuming the case scenario of Ted and Susan who are two diverse personalities from two
different backgrounds. Ted...

Awesome! Made my life easier.


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