Video Response Assignment On TeDed Parenting Analysis Report

User Generated




Watch the following video and complete the video response prompts

as following:

1. List THREE facts or main ideas in the video that you found interesting or important.

2. What were your reactions to the video? Describe something left unanswered you would like to know more about, or what information was left out that might aide your understanding of the topic.

3. Did this video change any notions or opinions you had before you saw it? Why or why not? If it aligns with your current thinking, describe how it broadened your understanding of the topic.

4. Discuss two factors of socialization that influence how parenting is conducted in modern society. How are these different, for example, from the industrial period in history?

By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren't actually helping. At least, that's how Julie Lythcott-Haims sees it. With passion and wry humor, the former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford makes the case for parents to stop defining their children's success via grades and test scores. Instead, she says, they should focus on providing the oldest idea of all: unconditional love.

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go!! if you have any question or more work i will be available. Thank you and goodbye...

Running Head: PARENTING


Video Response TeDed Parenting
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A video Response on Parenting
The first fact is that parents who are being overprotective are causing more harm to their children
because they do not exercise free-play or other preferred activities. Parents direct such children
on what to do, and it is all about achieving the right grade at the right time. The other point is
that children’s lives do not rotate about grades and scores. Grades and marks are a tiny cycle for
children because there is more a child can do to be successful. Children need to hav...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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