PART 1 of Guatemala
Two (2) different components of the planning process are reflected in the analysis included in this part of the group project:
(1) “Cultural Analysis”;
(2) “Economic Analysis.”
needs to also include an “Executive Summary” immediately after the cover page and before the “Table of Contents” (which is then to be followed by the actual report content).
The “Executive Summary” should provide a summary of all major points included in the written report. In addition, a “References” section, along with an “Appendix” that contains any necessary tables, figures, and exhibits, should be included at the end of the written report. CULTURAL ANALYSIS The data and information gathered for the cultural analysis includes that which helps the marketer make market-planning decisions.
However, its application extends beyond product and market analysis to being an important source of information for someone interested in understanding business customs and other important cultural features of the foreign country. The data and information included in this analysis must be more than a collection of facts. It should also attempt to interpret the meaning and value of the cultural data and information that is located and collected.
Cultural section of the paper
Social institutions
A. Family
1. The nuclear family
2. The extended family
3. Dynamics of the family
a. Parental roles
b. Marriage and courtship
4. Female/male roles (changing or static?)
B. Education
1. The role of education in society
a. Primary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)
b. Secondary education (quality, levels of development, etc.)
c. Higher education (quality, levels of development, etc.)
Economic section of the paper
E. Minerals and resources
F. Surface transportation
1. Modes
2. Availability
3. Usage rates
4. Ports
G. Communication systems
1. Types
2. Availability
3. Usage rates
H. Working conditions
1. Employer–employee relations
2. Employee participation
3. Salaries and benefits
I. Principal industries
1. What proportion of the GNP does each industry contribute?
2. Ratio of private to publicly owned industries
J. Foreign investment
1. Opportunities?
2. Which industries?
K. International trade statistics
1. Major exports
a. Dollar value
b. Trends
2. Major imports
a. Dollar value
b. Trends
3. Balance-of-payments situation
a. Surplus or deficit?
b. Recent trends
4. Exchange rates
a. Single or multiple exchange rates?
b. Current rate of exchange
c. Trends
Explanation & Answer
here we goLemme know in case of anythingAll the best and Goodbye
Cultural and Economic Analysis
Institution Affiliation
Executive Summary
The following is a cultural and economic analysis of Guatemala. This country is among the
strongest economic performers in Latin America. The cultural analysis includes family structure
and education system of the country. Most of the families have nuclear structures, with the father
being the head of the unit. The economic analysis includes the modes of surface transportation,
the communication systems, and working environment. The analysis also captures the aspect of
foreign investments, the contribution of different industries and the balance of payment in
Guatemala. The country has numerous opportunities for economic growth and development.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 2
Cultural and Economic Analysis .................................................................................................... 4
Cultural Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 4
Education Analysis .................................................................................................................. 4
Economic Section ........................................................................................................................ 5
Surface Transportation ............................................................................................................ 5
Communication Systems ......................................................................................................... 6
Working Conditions ................................................................................................................ 6
Principle Industries .................................................................................................................. 7
Foreign Investment .................................................................................................................. 7
International Trade Statistics ................................................................................................... 7
The balance of Payment S...