Health & Medical Assignment on Electronic Health Records(EHR) Homework

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Health Medical


Health information technology (health IT) makes it possible for health care providers to better manage patient care through secure use and sharing of health information. Health IT includes the use of electronic health records (EHRs) instead of paper medical records to maintain people's health information.

Share the EHR platform that your practice uses and discuss the challenges and barriers to electronic charting. Why have we moved from paper charting to EHR’s? What is meant by meaningful use regulations and why is this important to know when documenting in the EHR?

Please support your work with at least three evidence based practice resources that are less than 5 years old.

Written Paper (Microsoft Word doc): minimum 2000 words using 6th edition APA formatting

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go. In case of any further inputs, please let me know.All the best!I appreciate working with you!

Running head: EHR PRACTICE


EHR Practice


EHR Practice

Electronic Health Records and its application is not a new idea in the U.S healthcare
system. However, surprisingly, the healthcare system experiences a slow adoption of fully
integrating the EHR systems in the hospital settings and in primary care. Health Information
Technology (HIT) coupled with the application of the EHRs increased significantly by efforts in
achieving issues like reduction of medical errors, provision of effective communication methods
and information sharing among providers, and reduction of healthcare costs nationally. Others
are improved coordination of care and quality of healthcare and better management of patient
records. The government also played a role in encouraging EHR adoption by providing
incentives that are embedded in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
Health Act (HITECH). Additionally, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
smoothed EHR expansion through the provision of incentives for adoption and meaningful use.
It also lists penalties arising from lack of engagement from the provider. Also, the government
invested billions of dollars in EHR implementation. Even though adoption has increased through
the recent years, not every medical institution and healthcare organization has made a choice to
adopt the EHR system despite the incentives provided by the government. Also, they have not
decided to choose the EHR implementation despite the efforts by the CMS and only 1 in 4
hospitals did not adopt the ER systems in 2014 (Kruse et al., 2016). Research also postulates that
rural hospitals are also not likely to adopt EHR systems headed by physicians aged 55 and above
(Kruse et al., 2016). The EHR systems may also not get adopted in organizations that have a high
number of people in the low-income bracket and in some states. EHR adoption experiences
challenges in its implementation from several factors like physicians and other legal -related



EHR Platform
Our practice chose the Epic systems for the EHR implementation. This system is the
EHR industry leader and has significantly implemented the system in various hospitals. Epic
EHR offers a product which makes clinicians buy in which is an influential determinant in the
successful adoption of the EHR systems. Adoption of the systems also eased the demand on
health information managers whose capability in making adjustments to the functionalities in the
system depends on the firm's release plan for updates and so on (Xu et al., 2018). The system
also has a perfect history of the provision of products and change management for helping
hospital staff achieve meaningful use.
Challenges and Barriers
Despite the potential advantages that implementation of the EHR systems brings, its
uptake only saw a significant increase after the passage of the 2009 HITECH act. This law
provided incentivized payments for the office-based hospitals adopting the EHR systems in
healthcare improvement t...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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