develop a flowchart for a given problem statement

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Computer Science


Solve the pre-lab questions. just need the questions to be solved

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Pre-Lab Provide answers to the following questions: 1. How to access SFR in Bank1 in the PIC16F84A 2. Write instruction to set pin 0, 1, 2 of PORTA as input pins and pins 3,4 of PORTA as output pins. 3. Write a subroutine called SETPORT that set the pins of PORTA according to 2 and PORTB as output port. 4. Draw a flowchart for continuously monitoring pin 0 of PORTA. If RA0=1, then continue next task, otherwise, keep reading RA0. 5. Draw a flowchart to implement the following table: RA2 RA1 PORTB 00 0 01 1 10 2 11 3 6. Draw a flowchart to implement tasks in 3, 4, and 5 as one system.
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