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Graded Assignment Name: Literary Analysis and Composition II | Jesse | Lesson 8 Date: Graded Assignment – LACII Jesse, Lesson 8 Journal Part 2 The questions in this assignment cover Chapters 9–19 of Jesse. You will be prompted to answer these questions as you work on the lessons covering these chapters. You will need to turn in this assignment after you complete the lessons covering these chapters. Your answers should be written in complete sentences and include examples from the text. (4 points) 1. When Raul invites Jesse to the rally at the mall, Jesse does not commit to going. He then sees Minerva, but he avoids her to go sit by himself and draw. The picture he draws is of a boat “caught between two waves.” How might the boat be interpreted as a symbol of Jesse? Explain what the two waves might represent. Score Answer: (4 points) 2. Explain the role that faith plays in Jesse’s life. Cite specific examples from the text that illustrate when and why Jesse relies on his religious beliefs. Score Answer: © 2008 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Copying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited. Page 1 of 2 Graded Assignment Literary Analysis and Composition II | Jesse | Lesson 8 (3 points) 3. Describe Jesse’s experience while at the end-of-year dance at his old high school. How does Jesse feel while there? What happens as he interacts with his former classmates and teachers? What does the experience at the dance suggest about Jesse and his maturity? Score Answer: (4 points) 4. Explain Jesse’s feelings as sits on the bench by the courthouse as the novel draws to a close. Who and what does he think about? Why does he think about these people and things? What conclusions does Jesse reach? Score Answer: Your Score © 2008 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Copying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited. ___ of 15 Page 2 of 2
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