Course Essay
Sustainable Cities and Societies (RNR 256, PLG256, GEOG256)
Instructor: Philip Stoker, PhD.
Format: Essay
Length: 1,200 words
Sources: Use and cite at least 5 readings that are authoritative and relevant to course materials.
Description: The assignment is for students to demonstrate their understanding of sustainability and how
it relates to their program of study at the University of Arizona. There are several possible topics for students
to write about and these are described below. Students are encouraged to use the formatting template also
added to the submission folder.
Objective: To use and understand the essay as an argumentative writing format and the value of
using resources for supporting own opinions about a topic of interest.
Submission deadlines
1. Rough Draft: is due March 21st.
2. Final Submission: is due April 25th.
Essay Topics (organized by majors)
Urban and Regional Development and Architecture
• Do cities foster sustainability or drive the environmental, social, and economic problems
that we see in our world?
• How do the topics that we discussed in our class (air quality, energy, climate change,
water, agriculture, biodiversity, materials) come together in cities?
• How can urban planning or architectural design be used to promote sustainable strategies
(pick one or two topics, i.e. air quality and energy use)?
• What are the most interesting urban strategies that you have learned about that would be
beneficial for cities to pursue in the future? Are there any examples of these strategies?
Business, Accounting and Finance
From an economic perspective, define sustainability. What would a sustainable business
look like? Can you find any examples of businesses successfully pursuing sustainability?
Do sustainable practices improve or hamper business performance?
Describe an economic strategy (or two) that can be used to minimize the negative
environmental and social impacts of natural resource extraction and use? How will it be
effective? Are there existing examples of this strategy? What are the trade-offs, i.e.
winners and losers of this economic strategy?
Highlight how this strategy can be applied to any two topics we covered in class (air
quality, energy, climate change, water, agriculture, biodiversity, materials).
Geography and Environmental Studies
• How do sustainability issues vary internationally? Do all countries face similar
• Should there be global governance of natural resources? What is the appropriate role of
sovereign nations and international organizations like the U.N.? How can sovereign
nations preserve their right to develop while addressing international challenges?
• Is there a common challenge facing humanity? Is it a social, environmental, economic,
or technological challenge?
• Should the issues we have discussed in class be addressed individually, or holistically?
In other words, are all the topics we have discussed interrelated? Use specific examples.
Communications, Marketing and Psychology
What are the ethical justifications for sustainable actions, and which are the most
convincing to you? Why? What do you think is most convincing to the public? What
do think is most convincing for political leadership?
How can marketing, advertising, or campaigns influence a population to make
sustainable choices? Is this an effective strategy? How so? Are there examples of
this strategy that you are aware of?
How can you market different ways to be more sustainable that would be pleasing
and easy to the public?
What is the most effective way to pursue sustainability? Is it through laws and
regulations, or changes in individual behaviors?
Civil and Chemical Engineering, and Computer Science
Many sustainability strategies require advancements in technology: what is one new
technology that you find particularly promising for cities to adopt and implement? Are
there examples of this technology being implemented?
How would this technology be effective at reducing negative environmental, social, or
economic challenges? Which issues would the technology address?
What are the costs and benefits of adopting this technology? Do you think there could be
any unforeseen consequences of widespread adoption of this technology?
What are the barriers to implementing this technology, and how can they be overcome?
Your choice:
• Submit a one page outline for approval to Philip Stoker by 2-5.
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reprimique, sit aeque dolore ignota cu. Eu est persius gloriatur necessitatibus, ea habemus offendit
referrentur mel. Sale magna explicari cum te, id qui eius insolens deserunt. Agam minim interesset ea
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Ex ceteros feugait eum. Eu quo habeo gloriatur, ne eruditi splendide per. Eos ea cibo meliore,
mazim electram cum no, usu nemore latine aeterno cu. Inani elaboraret id nec. Nostrum
accommodare no vis, meliore voluptua in vix.
Last Name
Sit hinc cibo efficiantur id. Idque definitionem ei cum,
legimus vivendo eam ei. Quo an nibh erat mazim. Ius
phaedrum volutpat eu, pri diam denique no. Quodsi recusabo
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tempor tritani intellegam no mei. Utroque noluisse ut mel, no
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consulatu evertitur ne.
Facer ocurreret ei ius. Eu error volumus democritum vim, ius
ex nisl utamur. Et vim eros facer, tation possim sed no, et
rebum simul signiferumque vel. Veniam accusamus at ius,
inani labore his at. Te per nulla decore consequat, vidit
nostrum adipisci eu vis.
Mea an fastidii salutandi reprimique, sit aeque dolore ignota
cu. Eu est persius gloriatur necessitatibus, ea habemus offendit referrentur mel. Sale magna explicari cum
te, id qui eius insolens deserunt. Agam minim interesset ea mei, alia hinc ei vix, sit an dico meis
bonorum. Esse pertinax delicata ut mei, at quo tractatos splendide concludaturque, te esse brute exerci
Dicat omnium ne eum, clita dissentias appellantur ea qui, nam ei porro error evertitur. Ne soluta primis
principes est. Libris diceret ea pro. Facilisis pertinacia id sit, utinam omnium iriure ad eum. Detraxit
maiestatis ne sea, usu quaestio facilisis adolescens ne. Cu tation percipitur nec, te etiam quaeque
accumsan mel.
Figure 1. Observed Changes in Surface Temperature 1901-2012
Last Name
Ne etiam delenit cum. Magna oporteat in vim, at ponderum repudiare assentior qui. Mea affert indoctum
rationibus no. Vel in dictas constituam, ea mea tamquam definitiones. Mea an fastidii salutandi
reprimique, sit aeque dolore ignota cu. Eu est persius gloriatur necessitatibus, ea habemus offendit
referrentur mel. Sale magna explicari cum te, id qui eius insolens deserunt. Agam minim interesset ea
mei, alia hinc ei vix, sit an dico meis bonorum. Esse pertinax delicata ut mei, at quo tractatos splendide
concludaturque, te esse brute exerci vixMea an fastidii salutandi reprimique, sit aeque dolore ignota cu.
Eu est persius gloriatur necessitatibus, ea habemus offendit referrentur mel. Sale magna explicari cum te,
id qui eius insolens deserunt. Agam minim interesset ea mei, alia hinc ei vix, sit an dico meis bonorum.
Esse pertinax delicata ut mei, at quo tractatos splendide concludaturque, te esse brute exerci vix
Abrams, B. (2012). An Econometric Assessment of Pricing Sydney’s Residential Water Use: Pricing
Sydney’s Residential Water Use." Economic record 89-105.
Adams, T. (2009). Municipal and Industrial Water Supply and Uses in the Jordan River Basin. Utah
Division of Water Resources Report.
Arbués, F. (2004) Price impact on urban residential water demand: A dynamic panel data approach.
Water Resources Research 40(11).
Arbue´s, F., Villanu´a, I., Barbera´n, R.. (2010). Household size and residential water demand: an
empirical approach. Aust. J. Agric. Resour. Econ. 54 (1), 61–80.
Balling Jr., R.C., Gober, P. (2007). Climate variability and residential water use in the city of Phoenix,
Arizona. J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol. 46 (7), 1130–1137.
Balling, R. C., & Cubaque, H. C. (2009). Estimating future residential water consumption in Phoenix,
Arizona based on simulated changes in climate. Physical Geography. 30(4), 308-323.
Bardsley, T., Wood, A., Hobbins, M., Kirkham, T., Briefer, L., Niermeyer, J., & Burian, S. (2013).
Planning for an uncertain future: Climate change sensitivity assessment toward adaptation planning for
public water supply. Earth Interactions, 17(23), 1-26.
Blokker, E., Vreeburg, J., van Dijk, J. (2010). Simulating Residential Water Demand with Stochastic
End-Use Model. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 136; 19-26.
Breyer, B. and Chang, H. (2014) Urban water consumption and weather variation in the Portland, Oregon
metropolitan area, Urban Climate 9:1-18.
Breyer, B., Chang, H., & Parandvash, G. H. (2012). Land-use, temperature, and single-family residential
water use patterns in Portland, Oregon and Phoenix, Arizona. Applied Geography. 35(1), 142-151.
Grading Rubric
Knowledge of
Accuracy of Data
“A” Paper
The paper is well
formatted and visually
appealing. The formatting
contributes to the
organization of the work.
Succinctly and accurately
addresses the essay
prompt in entirety.
“B” Paper
The paper looks like it
was produced for a class
“C” and below
The paper has little
to no formatting and
looks like a draft.
Seems mostly familiar
with the topics, but is
vague and may miss a
key concept or two.
Unfamiliar with the
topic and vaguely
addresses the
Succinct, clear, and free
from errors.
Some errors throughout,
and minor departures
from accepted style.
Many grammatical
and stylistic errors.
All but one deliverable
are included.
Several deliverables
are absent.
The paper cites sources,
but they are not
There are too few
Each deliverable is
contained in the report.
The paper uses
authoritative citations to
support claims throughout
the paper.
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