Child Abuse Or Child Molestation On Internet Menace For Modern Society

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Business Finance


1. Conduct research and summarize a criminal case involving an internet predator. Be sure and address what type of sexual offender this case involved.

2. What are some of the investigative challenges faced when attempting to capture internet predators?

Needs to be substantial (350-500 words per question) and significantly supported by at least 2 peer reviewed, scholarly sources. The citation and references are required to be in APA 6th edition format. Sources used for studies or statistical information should be less than 10 years old. Direct quoting should be limited. Interpretation in your own words is expected.

Please edit and use the following information and add the necessary citations please. . . .

A Louisiana man seduced minors to commit criminal sexual acts and producing child pornography was sentenced to over 21 years in prison. 34-year-old Jamy Church created multiple Facebook pages using women's images to seduce boys starting in 2009. Church manipulated 50 bys between 2009 and 2011 to send him nude pictures of themselves.

Some of the issues the plague investigators is that today many victims of criminal pedophilia are considered statutory rape victims. This occurs because predators are connecting with children through social media and the children who have often had limited experience with intimate interactions. This makes catching predators an increasingly difficult task because children are less likely to come forward if they, for example, think they are in love.

Another reason that internet sexual predators have the upper hand over authorities is technological advancement and the necessary funding it takes to combat them. Online offenders are becoming more tech savvy by the moment and it is costly to combat them. As well as the toll it takes on the officers that have to categorize hundred of thousands of teribytes packed full of pedophilie content which leads to filing it all to be nearly impossible on top of being terribly unpleasent.

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Child molestation

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Cases of child abuse or child molestation on the internet have become rampant in modern
society. The case of 34-year-old Jamy Church is an example of internet predators. Between 2009
and 2011, church created multiple Facebook accounts using female profiles and used these
profiles to contact boys between the ages of 13 and 16 asking them to be his “friends.” Church
would send explicit images of females and would ask the boys to not only reveal their genitals
but also masturbate while he proceeded to take pictures of the boys. During this period, Church
manipulated over 50 boys to produce sexually explicit images and produced child pornography.
Church was sentenced to over 21 year’s imprisonment in a federal prison and lifetime
supervision upon release. Church was sentenced in the U.S. District Court for the Western
District of Louisiana where the hearing of the case occurred after the investigation conducted by
the Louisiana ...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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