Conceptualize and Define the overall goal of a project

User Generated


Computer Science


Think of an IT project that you would like to start as a project initiator or sponsor.

Conceptualize and define the overall goal of the project, and how it adds tangible value to an organization. Remember that a charter is not yet ready to be created at this point.

Please choose from the following options to present the project that you picked:

  • A legal or commercial agreement
  • A timeline detailing the sequence of events
  • A flowchart describing cause and consequences
  • A slide presentation
  • An interactive diagram
  • Any other options approved by your instructor

Please use one of the following to get ideas as a source for this project:

  • Case studies
  • An organization that you are working in (redacting where appropriate)
  • A fictional organization
Important: This will not be a complete formalized paper, however, any material referenced from outside sources must be cited in text and added to a reference page using the APA 6th Edition format. The key aspect of this assignment is using one of the options given above to create a presentation of your chosen project and included in this presentation should be the project's overall goal along with how it adds tangible value to the organization.

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