Managing Information Systems discussion

User Generated


Computer Science


Critically analyze scholarly research and describe the basic concepts associated with managing information systems related to risks, use, processing, storage, and transmission of information or data. Be sure to compare and contrast the core principles of information assurance and prioritize in the order each in your own opinion (Support your opinion).

note: each must be discussed under subtitle

Please do not plagiarized .

The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain:

1. a title page

2. five scholarly references

3. three to five pages of content (pages), and

4.a reference page.

More APA assistance can be found at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.

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Explanation & Answer

this is the final copy in case of any question feel free to ask.



Managing Information Systems



Information is one of the core necessities for business triumph. A Management
Information System is tailored by for and by an organisation to attain a high level of smooth
functioning. More so, Management Information System is deployed as a decisions making tool
by the top management, as well it encompasses a set of controls that are used by the midmanagement stratums. These controls are designed to enable the management of risks, proper
use, appropriate processing, adequacy in storage, as well as transparent transmission of
information or even date. Moreover, the Management Information System has the role of
information gathering that effects on the organisation either from within or without the
Laudon & Laudon, (2016) asserts the Core information principles includes:
Confidentiality, this principle ensure that the information is only disclosed to the persons that
have official or lawfully have attained the access necessities. Secondly, Integrity is a
fundamental standard of information assurance, which assures the continuity of information’s
originality is sustained, and the assumed form remains accurate to the...

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