Child Psychological Observation Human Behaviour Across The Life Span

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This paper is about a childhood observation. It should include children of color. It should include the childrens methods of playing and interaction with each other. Children with different age and race should be compared. After doing that it should be connected to the theories in the book and I will attach some pictures of it if the book wont be accessible for you. I will attach an assignment sheet and a rubric to clarify what you should do. Thank you.

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Human Behavior Across the Life Span Grading Rubric for Child Observation Assignment 1. Descriptions 2. Links with course materials 3. Style Score: _______ Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement Poor The student describes the child, the conditions of observation, the child’s developmental skills or behaviors (in two or more areas), and how interactions with others might contribute to these skills or behaviors. The description is exceptionally clear and insightful. The student describes the child, the conditions of observation, the child’s developmental skills or behaviors (in two or more areas), and how interactions with others might contribute to these skills of behaviors. The description is generally clear and insightful. The student describes the child, the conditions of observation, the child’s developmental skills or behaviors (in two or more areas), and how interactions with others might contribute to these skills of behaviors. The description is generally clear but does not demonstrate particular insight. The student fails to meet one or more of the criteria outlined in the assignment handout. Otherwise, the description is generally clear, but not particularly insightful. The student fails to meet more than one of the criteria outlined in the assignment handout. The description is generally unclear and not particularly insightful. The student demonstrates remarkable understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she flawlessly integrates description with linkages to course materials, drawing upon no fewer than three relevant concepts. The student demonstrates very good understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she competently integrates description with linkages to course materials, drawing upon no fewer than three relevant concepts. The student generally demonstrates good understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she draws upon some relevant concepts, though not always the most appropriate ones. The student demonstrates shallow understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she makes on sporadic reference to relevant concepts and often not the most appropriate ones. The student demonstrates little understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she makes only vague and often incorrect reference to course concepts. The paper contains no (or very few) errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization are exceptionally clear. The paper contains very few errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization are clear. The paper contains a few errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization are generally clear, with some lapses. The paper contains multiple errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization do not meet college-level standards. The paper contains extensive errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization do not meet college-level standards. All written assignments are to be no more than 3-5 pages long (12-point Times New Roman font). You must use correct bibliographical references (following APA format). You may wish to refer to “A Guide for Writing Research Papers based on American Psychological Association (APA) Documentation” at Spelling and grammar are worth up to five points; your paper will be returned to you to correct without a grade if there are more than several errors per page. If you have problems with writing skills, see the instructor, who can refer you to resources on campus for help. Late papers will receive a 5-point deduction, and will not be accepted unless the student has obtained prior approval from the instructor. Approval will be granted only when the student is able to demonstrate unanticipated or extenuating circumstances that prevent the completion of the assignment. If you have any questions about any of the written assignments, please feel free to stop by during instructor’s office hours or call to make an appointment. Observation Assignments: #1: You are to observe children at play. Your observations should include children of color. You can use a playground at a park, or a McDonald’s, or even go to a formal child care program (see me if you need an introduction letter for the child care director). Observe and note the children’s methods of playing and interacting with each other. Look for gender and age differences, as well as differences between children of color and children not of color. Describe areas of biological, psychological, and social functioning that you observed. In your write-up, discuss what you observed and compare it with what you anticipated based on the theorists we discussed. Indicate any discrepancies between the theorist’s suggestions and the actual behavior of the children.
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Children Observation
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Children Observation
Children grow at different rates depending on the environment they are exposed to daily.
There those children who develop a sense of cooperation early especially those born in big
families while others take a more extended period especially those born in small families.
Children development despite the changing circumstances they are exposed to are important to
parents to ensure that they understand the role they play in the development. Children undertake
various forms of playing and interacting when interacting with each other. These forms of
interaction vary depending on the children's age group. The development of children differs from
one culture to the next depending on the age of the children. The essay will state the various
forms of playing and interaction among children, the comparisons between child development in
different ages and cultures and the theories that exist on children development.
Firstly, parallel playing among children of between one to three years old is the standard
way of interaction among children. In parallel playing the children play side by side and ignore
each other. At this stage, the children believe that the world revolves around their needs and
people will do whatever impresses them. In the stage, the children do not know how to share
their toys, and hence they tend to cry if another child tries to touch them. Also, the children try to
seek attention in everything they do for example regularly crying when nothing is wrong. The
parallel playing shows that the children are satisfied with having their toys and they feel selfsufficient (Ansell, 2016). At this stage, they do not possess any moral guidelines, and hence
parents should be willing to guide them ...

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