Develop an assertion about The Handmaid's Tale

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APCQ: Assertion, Passages of Support and Analysis, Connection and Question (2-3 pages)

DUE: Sunday 3/17

Directions: Develop an assertion about The Handmaid's Tale that invokes a lens of Literary Criticism - your choice (Feminist, Psychoanalytic, Marxist, Structuralist etc.). I’m leaving this question very open-ended because I want you to write about whatever is most interesting and compelling to you.


  • Develop an assertion/thesis about the poem and utilizing the lens (this should be just a few sentences).
  • Find passages/lines from the text that support your assertion and analyze how the passages/lines connect to your assertion, and explain these connections as specifically as you can (this should be the bulk of your assignment).
  • Consider a connection to another text we’ve worked with this semester - a poem, a novel, a film etc. Explain why the connection is important to you, informative for you and illustrates something about your assertion or the text.
  • Develop a question that generates discussion from the class about your poem/the assertion you’ve made about the poem. Make sure the question is grounded in the poem and answerable from knowledge of the poem.

*please see the APCQ rubric for specifics on how you will be evaluated for this assignment

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  • Name: Date: Literature: Total Points: ASSERTION PASSAGES OF SUPPORT AND ANALYSIS CONNECTION QUESTION 3 The assertion is clear, specific, original, and instructive; it is incisive and appropriate. The passages are economical, relevant, and representative of the text as a whole; their analysis is convincing in relation to the assertion. The connection is interesting, relevant, and original. 2 The assertion is clear and relevant; it demonstrates understanding of the text. 1 The assertion is vague or unclear or it demonstrates some misreading of the text. The passages are generally economical and appropriate; their analysis is relevant to the assertion. The passages are not economical, relevant, and appropriate. The connection is relevant. The question is specific and engaging; it generates meaningful and instructive discussion about the text. The question is clear and appropriate; it generates relevant discussion about the text. The connection seems irrelevant or demonstrates a misreading of the text. The question is unclear or inappropriate; it does not generate discussion about the text. Comments
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Explanation & Answer



The Handmaid’s Tale
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Assertion/thesis about the poem
The poem depicts the image of people standing behind the fence and watching a woman
as she struggles to attain her goal. This infers that women are outside in pain working on their
problems by themselves with little or no help from men. Implicitly, other people stand by as they
watch them suffer in agony and do nothing about it. Through this, even amid pain and suffering
experienced by women, the world continues to thrive with no regard of them at all. This is how
the new society feels towards all women. The society is not concerned with how the new rules
and r...

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