Privacy is Important Remove all Data from Internet

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The paper is argumentative essay. You need to choose a side whether you are in favor of data privacy on the internet .In simple words should all data be collected from the internet or people should be able to remove their internet existing, I have attached two documents about the topic and different views to give and idea, the last slide have a link to a video I recommend to watch it.

the other file is the criteria that should be followed while writing the essay. Include and a counter argument and attack it. There is a link in how to paper should look .

let me know if you have any questions.

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Ethical Issues in Computer Science / Professional Conduct Professor John Licato University of South Florida Privacy Pre-Lecture Thoughts You will have 20 minutes to discuss these questions (one per group). Each group will then have 5 minutes to present: • Group 1: Is it moral (not ethical) for a hacker to steal data from a company that’s doing clearly immoral things, and release that information to the public? When would it not be? • Group 2: Is it ethical to use social network information (e.g., facebook/twitter posts, friend lists, comments, etc.) to build a case against a suspected criminal? When would it not be? • If it were technically and practically possible to delete all information from the internet about some topic, should companies be required to comply? TIME’S UP! – Group 3: Argue that not all companies should be required to comply, and give examples. – Group 4: Argue that there should be no exceptions, and anticipate counterexamples. • Which is a better solution for a democratic society? Assume these are the only two choices: – Group 5: Argue for a solution where all information about everything (no matter how private) is available. – Group 6: Argue for a solution where all information is controllable by the government. TWO MINUTES REMAINING TIME REMAINING July 21, 2015 Are the hackers heroes? Villains? Source: Some perspectives • Deontological – They broke rules to do it; it was wrong – They fulfilled a greater duty • Virtue – Were they good people? What were their intentions? • Consequentialist: – It helped punish cheaters by revealing them; it had good consequences – It harmed our ability to trust any website whatsoever; it had bad consequences Source: Ethics of Data Collection Statement by the President (2014) Is it more ethical to “only” collect metadata than collecting data? Source: What is metadata? • Data *about* data • Data about non-data – “That restaurant is 50 years old” – “That restaurant was established in 1992” – The letter in an envelope • Data about data – “The statement ‘that restaurant is 50 years old’ is inaccurate” – “The data in this database was established in 1992” – The writing publicly visible on an envelope How much of a problem is metadata-only collection? Source: Source: De-Anonymization • In 2007, Netflix releases data for the “Netflix Prize Dataset” • Challenge was to develop recommender algorithms • Data was anonymized (personally identifying information removed) Netflix Anonymized Dataset User ID General Location Rental ID Rental Date 1 Texas 1234 2/1 1 Texas 1215 2/2 1 Louisiana 1234 5/4 1 Louisiana 5555 6/10 USPS Dataset Name Address Move in date J. Law …, Texas 1/1 J. Law …, Louisiana 3/7 We now know, with a certain probability, who user ID 1 is. More evidence → More confidence in the match The Right to be Forgotten From From From Data Collection – Readings • Video: IQ^2 debate • TAKE GOOD NOTES WHILE WATCHING. You last-minute readers won’t be able to watch the entire video in class. • Probably a good idea to watch twice, and take notes the second time (think: why would this help?) A Sample Writing Template • Main thesis – The main point you want to make (M) – Supporting argument #1 - Argument that has M as its conclusion • Premises, Warrant • Additional arguments supporting the premises if needed • Anticipate arguments that might attack the premises or warrant, and defuse them – Supporting argument #2 - Argument that has M as its conclusion • Premises, Warrant • Additional arguments supporting the premises if needed • Anticipate arguments that might attack the premises or warrant, and defuse them –… • Conclusion – Summarize M in different words, and talk a bit about the possible implications of M if true. • Main thesis: Wendy’s has the best fries. – Supporting argument 1: It has the best taste. • Premise: They have the most fat and salt content, according to some blog B. • Warrant: Fat and salt content contribute to taste. • Possible counterargument: B is unreliable, but the author of the blog works for Wendy’s. • Conclusion: Therefore, Wendy’s has the best fries. Furthermore, I’m going to get some right now. Source: Annotation guide from Detailed Rubric (part 1) Detailed Rubric (part 2)
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Privacy is Important: Remove all Data from the Internet
For ages, man has survived, and even flourished, without the intervention of digital
technologies. For over 20 centuries since recorded history, there has been nothing like
computers, mobile phones, and the internet. Big data could not be imaginable, considering that it
would have been quite impossible to get any useful data—after all, there were no identification
numbers, social security numbers, credit cards and so on. However, since the 20th century to
date, there have been massive changes in the domain of digital technology, and these changes
have paved the way for devastating implications on the lives of human beings. Data can quickly
get into the wrong hands and lead to irreparable damage. While many organizations and people
have argued in favor of the collection of big data and use of the information for analytics and
other purposes, it should be noted that this is a dangerous facet of technological revolution and
its detrimental outcomes have already been felt in many places. After conducting extensive
research on the negative implications of the collection of big data on the internet, it has been
determined that privacy is more important than big data, and therefore measures should be taken
to safeguard citizens from the massive collection and use of their information by third-parties.
One of the most significant flaws of the concept of big data is the lack of sufficient
controls and regulation. There are no well-structured mechanisms of regulating how big data is
collected and used, and this poses a great danger because malicious parties may take advantage
of the inconsistency and abuse information in their hands (Cuzzocrea). For example, increased

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collection of big data the realm of medicine and health care has paved the way for inequalities
and unfairness issues whose impact of society is worrying (Patil and Seshadri n.p.). While such
data has led to several commendable breakthroughs in many facets of medical research, it has
increased such risks as financial fraud, identity...

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