ANT2410 UFL Homework 2 Cultural Diversity And Education In Workplace

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University of Florida


Interview Assignment: Connecting Local to Global

  • -Objective

o Analyze how diversity affects interactions with major societal institutions (such as health care, criminal justice, education, employment, voting, military) from contemporary and/or historical perspectives.

o Recognize that global issues and systems are experienced differently at local scales by identifying local problems via fieldwork and course readings and applying them to larger global concerns.

  • -Assignment
    • In a well-organized and well-written essay of three-to-four pages (5 pages max; full 3 pages minimum), you will address the question of diversity within your fieldwork institution from Essay 1. ( The field work in the previous assignment was "Roman Catholic Church") Full "Essay 1" is attached. Please read carefully.
    • This assignment will ask you to do a semi-structured interview with a participant about diversity at your field institution and relate your question to broader global issues. Make sure you address feedback on your writing in from previous essays as you write your assignment.
    • Your essay should cover the following points:
      • Address a diversity-based problem or issue based on prior participant observation at your institution (field setting).
        • What social problem or issue did you observe that might be an issue at your field site?
        • You should use your prior observations, course readings, discussions, and current events to develop and supporta strong thesis statement about the problem of diversity at your field institution.
      • Semi-structured interview. These allow you to get in-depth information from a particular person based upon existing data, such as your results from participant observation. You will develop a list of 7-10 questions to ask your participant about the problem you identified. You must take notes during your interview, transcribe them into a Word document, and turn them in along with your essay. Your transcript should not be part of the essay.
      • Analysis. You should re-read your interview and identify themes that are related to your social issue. How do your participant’s responses relate to the problem that you identified?
      • Connecting local to global.What is the relationship between the problem you identified in your work and larger global concerns? Use topics from class discussion, materials from the textbook and course readings to help you connect your local results to global trends and conditions.
    • As with the first assignment, the assignment should be turned in as a Microsoft Word document in 12-pt. font with 1” margins.
    • It MUST be submitted both in class and online through Canvas.
  • -Evaluation
    • You will be graded out of 50 total points, according to the following rubric:
    • 0-10 points: A strong thesis statement of the problem, with appropriate evidence to support it
    • 0-10 points: Transcript of semi-structured interview
    • 0-10 points: In-depth analysis of the themes from the interview and how they relate to your problem
    • 0-10 points: Relationship between your local problem and larger global issues
    • 0-5 points: Appropriate use of citations
    • o0-5 points: Appropriately addresses feedback from previous writing assignment

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Running head: PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT Participant Observation Assignment Shihab Al-Adawi E.J. Ford ANT2410 February 12, 2019 Al-Adawi 1 PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT Al-Adawi 2 Participant Observation Assignment Part 2: Field Report I attended a Roman Catholic Church mass service on 7th February 2019 at Tampa, Florida. The name of the church is Sacred Heart Catholic Church: 509 N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33602, United States. The service was presided over by Bishop Jonathan Griffin and attendance was amazing. I decided to attend this service after friend had recommended me to go there. I have also wanted to know the unique nature of Roman Catholic Church thus this was the ideal moment for me to fulfill my goal. There were all categories of people, young, middle aged and senior citizens. The service was attended by Black Americans, Latinos, followers of Asian Origin and the Whites. Majority of people were dressed in decent attire and mode of communication was completely professional. Congregants embraced use of specific terms that are known to be associated with the Roman Catholic Christians. At the main entrance, people bowed before entering the church and on most occasions, I could notice the church reciting the Holy Trinity while standing. Use of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques was highly evident. For example, the, members of the choir sang hymns that were accompanied by throwing of hands in the air. I do believe that this was meant to make other members to remain alert. Members of the choir were led by the choir master who only signaled them to start singing at a specific time. They were dressed in white uniform and I could notice how unique they were from other church members. The service took one hour fifteen minutes and yes, Roman Catholic Church is unique on its own not only in the United States of America but other regions of the world. The service was attended by people of all social and economic classes. I noticed some entering the compound PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT Al-Adawi 3 on feet while others came while driving heavy and expensive cars. At the time they entered the church, all people sat on the same seats that were preserved for each and every church member. Patterns At the time the service was going on, I realized some unique form of church pattern. The nave was the main part of the church occupied by many congregants. This was a huge part where all members of various social and economic classes sat attentively as the Bishop was conducting the sermon. The church had also aisles that run along the sides of the nave. A person I was speaking to during the observation informed me that any Roman Catholic Church has a transept making the entire church look like a cross with a symbol of Jesus Christ. There was also a chancel that led all way to the altar. The altar is the sacred place and this is where people are not allowed to be arrested at this place. Members of the Church sat facing the altar from where the Bishop conducted the sermon. The altar is located at the east end of the church. At the entrance of the church, I noticed a stoup of holy water. According to the article “A study of the Roman Catholic tradition” by Mahoney, this is based on the tradition of the Roman Basilicas who had a fountain of washing at the entrance of the church. This is the place where church members are baptized and it acts a symbol of welcoming all people into the church. At the front of the nave, I noticed a pulpit from where the Bishop conducted the service to the church members. The lectern was where the Bible readings were conducted. Members of the choir sat at the chancel. The church building had walls from which the congregation could see through. These are some of the key patterns that I was able to notice at the time I attended the sermon and indeed I do appreciate the fact that I learnt the importance of religion in individual life. PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT Al-Adawi 4 My First Impressions After thorough evaluation of the Roam Catholic Church patterns, I am convinced that Catholicism is a religion that set of unique set of values. They are people who do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and this is well reflected in the manner in which the cross is displayed at the altar. This is the belief that is shared with other Christians. Catholics do believe that the Bible is the inspired and divine book that has no error and reveals the word of God to human kind. I also think that Baptism is known to the rite of passage of becoming a Christian and is also necessary for salvation. Baptism can occur by water, blood or even desire. The church patterns do indicate that God’s Ten Commandments do provide moral lessons and also basis for ethical standards for all people. I am convinced that Catholics do have a belief in the existence of the Holy Trinity. They know that God; the Supreme Being is made of the following: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I am also motivated to think that according to Catholicism, humans are born while already sinful. The only way of evading this sin is through baptism and that grace is the only free and unmerited gift from God to humankind. The patterns do show that Roman Catholic Church consider life and dignity of each and every human being. This is the reason as to no one is secluded from attending the church sermon. It is true that Catholic Church emphasizes on the value of call to family, community and participation in major events. I could notice this from the manner in which the Bishop was emphasizing on how a family is the central institution that ought to be supported and strengthened at all cost. According to the religion, human dignity and health community can be achieved if and only protection of the fundamental God given rights is a reality. PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT Al-Adawi 5 My Reflection on Diversity of the People at Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church embraces and values all people from all walks of life. I do think that all of individuals are equal since we are created in the image and likeness of God. This is reason as to why Black Americans, Latinos, Hispanics and other ethnic individuals are able to share one sitting and listen to the Word of God. Catholic Church does not seclude other people from society provided one accepts Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior. After undergoing baptism, all people are equal before the eyes of God our Lord. Diversity is highly valued at the Roman Catholic Church and any form of discrimination is rebuked in the strongest terms possible. Transcript of participant observation notes a. I will attend a Roman Catholic Church (Sacred Heart Catholic Church: 509 N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33602, United States) sermon on 7th February 2019 at Tampa, Florida. b. I observed unique features and values of the Church: 1. use of verbal and non-verbal communication. 2. diversified congregants. c. I noticed unique church patterns such as: 1. the Chancel. 2. the altar. 3. pulpit and the lectern. d. My first impressions were as follows: 1. belief of Jesus Christ being the son of God 2. the Bible being inspired and divine book that has no error 3. the importance of Baptism and the essential nature of the God’s Ten Commandments. PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT Al-Adawi 6 e. There were personal reflections on diversity of the people at Roman Catholic Church (such as unique values). f. three questions that will help me to understand some missing information in order to understand the location and events that I had observed. 1. Why do priests, Bishops and other church Roman Catholic Church leaders dress in unique attire unlike the congregants? 2. Why is that congregants are not allowed to step at the altar? 3. Why that Roman Catholic Church is most popular as compared to other churches and yet Catholics do share same core values with other churches? PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT Al-Adawi 7 References Mahoney, J. (1987). The making of moral theology: A study of the Roman Catholic tradition.
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Connecting Local to Global
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Connecting Local to Global
Diversity in the workplace or other areas of work play a crucial part in championing for
equality. Diversity applies to various areas of application. In simple terms, diversity may apply
to the ordinary workplaces to religious areas and but not limited to the general community as a
whole. Today, the issue of diversity affects various people bringing about differing viewpoints
on certain issues. While many people argue that the American community is embracing
diversity, the past research, as well as the given observations, show otherwise (Parrillo, 2015).
Many people still face challenges such as discrimination within the various areas of application.
The past assignment presented observations obtained from a typical Roman Catholic Mass. The
findings, in this case, form the ultimate foundation for the completion of the underlying

assignment. Although the past observation showed a mass that comprised of diverse populations,
does such a status hold not only in the community but also when allocating priests or bishops
churches to serve the community?
This statement acts as the central theme of discussion for this paper. The selection of the
issue comes from the analysis of the witnessed situation and status at the church. The p...

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