SOCI1301 Discrimination against Immigrants Research Paper

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Each student must write a minimum five-page research essay on one of the following sociological topics:
1. Religious cults and their role in the life of society
2. Criminal Justice Reform
3. Discrimination against immigrants. Analyze the situation in the U.S. and what solutions we can apply to stop this phenomenon from social and political point of view.
Note: Essays written on topics other than the aforementioned will not receive credit.
Essays must include:
 At least (3) references.
 Essays must have one-inch margins, be double-spaced, and typed (in 12 point font using either Arial or Times New Roman).
 A cover page must also be included.
 All sources used must be properly cited using MLA style. 25 points will be deducted if sources are not properly cited throughout the body of your essay.
 A reference page (bibliography) listing the sources must also accompany essay.
 25 points will be deducted for each page that does not meet the five-page requirement.
 25 points will be deducted if there is no cover page.
 25 points will be deducted if there is no reference page.
*Cover page and reference page are not to be counted toward five-page essay requirement.

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Explanation & Answer


The paper discusses the discrimination of immigrants, focusing on the U.S. due to its unique
population composition.
The paper begins by providing a clear description of immigrants, before proceeding to assess
their situation in regard to discrimination.
Among the areas where immigrants were found to experience discrimination the most include
the job market because securing employment for them remains difficult.
The role of racial, cultural or religious stereotypes in immigrant discrimination is also examined,
given the fact that America has traditionally been a multi-racial and multi-cultural nation.
The paper also examines the economic challenges facing immigrants in an effort to determine the
impact of discrimination.
To conclude, the paper evaluates the measure available for tackling discrimination and provides
recommendations on the same.



Discrimination against Immigrants
The United States of America has constantly been a multi-racial and multi-cultural nation
since it was founded. The shared races including the Whites, African-Americans who came as a
result of slavery, Asians, and the rest form part of this dynamic nation that is the United States of
America. These different communities have co-existed for hundreds of years and have all
significantly contributed to the success of the country to attain the heights that it has. The
longevity of such co-existence has, however, not been smooth sailing as one would expect from
people who live and work towards a common goal and interests for their country. The United
States of America has a longstanding and well-documented history of discrimination and racial
prejudice especially directed towards the minority communities. The feeling by the majority has
been that the minority often immigrates into their country and thus denies them of the available
opportunities that exist in their country. In this paper, matters relating to discrimination of
immigrants will be discussed and possible solutions proposed to handle the issue both socially
and politically.
Analyzing the situations ...

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