History of Administrative organizational Theories paper

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I would like a brief history on the development of Administrative theories, the paper will also include APA citation. I have attached what the instructor is looking for.

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questions, including the historical evolution of public administration as a field, the different ways of controlling bureaucracies, the different theories of decision-making, and the different organizational theories.
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Explanation & Answer


Historical evolution of public administration as a field
Methods of controlling bureaucracies
Organizational theories


Public Administration
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Historical evolution of public policy as a field
Public administration is the practice of implementing academic and government policies.
Public administration originated earlier as a practice rather than a field of study. The origin of
public administration as a field can be traced back to President Woodrow Wilson from his essay
that is considered to have laid a foundation the separate and systematic study of public
administration in 1887. The advancement of public administration as a field can be traced to five
particular stages (Waldo, 2017). These stages incorporate the dichotomy of administration
(1887-1926), principles of public administration (1927-1937), the challenge (1938-1950), the
crisis of identity (1950-19700, and public policy perspective (1971 to date).
The administration dichotomy developed as a result of Woodrow Wilson's view of
politics as entirely different ideas. These ideas resulted in increased growth in the interest in the
study of public administration among Americans and various universities around the world.
Accordingly, the ideas of President Woodrow resulted ...

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