Comparing Terrorist Acts

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Assume you hold the role of a security manager for a company that experienced a recent terrorist event involving a Homegrown Violent Extremist (HVE). The company is looking for insights into how this may impact the company, so upper-management has asked you to prepare information comparing the company's experience with the September 11 events.

Review the 9/11 Commission Report.

Research a recent terrorist event involving a HVE.

Create a media-rich, 18- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation, or an infographic using an infographic maker such as Piktochart, Venngage, or Canva, comparing the 9/11 attacks to the recent HVE incident you chose. Consider public and private security awareness, causal factors, interagency cooperation or lack thereof, and incident response.Include the following in your presentation/infographic:

  • The participants, planning, objectives, execution, and impact of the event
  • The vulnerabilities exploited during the event
  • The human and economic effects of the event
  • Post-incident countermeasures used to reduce vulnerability to a similar incident

Include APA-formatted citations when necessary and a reference slide.

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Explanation & Answer




Comparing Terrorist Acts
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Homegrown Violent Extremist (HVE)
• Homegrown Violent Extremist
(HVE) are mostly inspired rather
than directed.
• HVE are encouraged by
international terrorists to carry
out attacks based on personal
ideologies, grievances, violent
acts and targets selections.
• HVEs are radicalized to fit the
terrorists’ expectations.
• HVEs perpetrate their actions
through propaganda online
Ref: Southers, (2014).

September 11 events and the Orlando nightclub

• September 11 events
• These were four coordinated terrorist
attacks conducted by the Al-Qaeda to the
United States killing many and leaving
more injured.
• It was conducted on 11th September
• The Orlando nightclub shooting
• It was a mass shooting at Pulse which is
a gay nightclub at Orlando, Florida in
the United States.
• A 9year old American, Omar Mateen,
who was a security guard killed 49
people living 53 more wounded
• It was conducted on 12th June 2016.
Ref: Khan and Ecklund, (2013)

Public security awareness
• Immediately after the incident happened, the federal
government through its security agencies disseminated
the information to the public asking them to stay away
from the crime scene...

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