Mental Hospitals And Injustice By Bryan Stevenson Tedtalk Review

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REACTION ESSAY The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to reflect on and critically evaluate social work practice in a variety of settings, and address issues of diversity with regard to social work practice. These readings are found on Blackboard. In your Reaction Essay, you should read the assigned articles carefully and: • Demonstrate understanding of the main themes/ controversies presented in the articles • Make connections between ideas presented by the authors/ arguments • Explore your feelings about the ideas and arguments made by the authors • Show evidence of original thought and critical thinking about the topic • Utilize correct APA format, including paraphrasing and citing sources correctly It is expected that students will present information in such a manner that it is clear each assigned reading has been read and that true, professional reflection has occurred. Superficial Reaction Essays – those for which the Instructor cannot easily ascertain that reading has occurred – will not receive credit. In addition, reaction essays should not be “book reports”, and should not be a cut-and-paste regurgitation of the material. Well-written reaction essays should reflect critical thinking/ discourse about the content/issues/themes presented by the authors. Format requirements for Reaction Essays: *Your essay must be double-spaced and typed in 12-pt font. *The following information should be typed in as a “HEADER” in the upper right-hand corner: First & Last Name Reaction Essay #__ (date) *You must use 6th edition APA format to cite CORRECTLY within the text of your paragraphs. *NO “DIRECT QUOTES” ARE ALLOWED! You must paraphrase and cite your sources in correct 6th edition APA format. [Note: Do NOT plagiarize any material in your paper. Any plagiarism will result in a “0” for this assignment! *You do NOT need to attach a “References” page because the readings/videos have been provided to you. *Your essay should be 1 full page (minimum) to 2 pages (maximum). *You must use paragraphs, complete sentences, correct spelling, and punctuation as well as express your original ideas clearly. The rubric used to grade this assignment will be found under the “Rubrics” tab on Blackboard. Be sure to look over this rubric before turning your essays in. Students will receive a copy of this completed rubric, as well as written feedback on your essay. R
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Mental Hospitals and Injustice
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Mental Hospitals and Injustice
The rate of incarceration in the United States of America has over the past decades been
on the rise, and as a result, billions of dollars are used for the imprisonment of the victims.
Concerning the New York Times article, mental illness is a major factor that has given rise to the
rate of incarceration. Depression and anxiety among other mental problems were cited as the
major concern that would lead to various social issues, particularly crime. The victims that are
incarcerated often have various mental p...

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