Situational Analysis: What makes The Scramble’s meal planner special

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The Scramble Avi, Ben, Modi, Shaimaa, Sehvrine Agenda Executive Summary Company Analysis Problem Recommendations Data Analysis Executive Summary Company Analysis - What makes The Scramble’s meal planner special? ● ● ● ● ● ● We know families. Our recipes are tested by families both for kid-friendliness and ease of prep We’re flexible. You can use our plans as they are or customize them to fit your family’s needs or preferences We make prep easy. Do ahead steps are shared in every recipe We give you options. Most recipes have substitute suggestions, where needed, for special diets such as vegetarian, gluten-free, and nut-free We make shopping easy. Our grocery lists are customizable so that you can add your other grocery needs and delete what you already have on hand so you only get what you truly need We’ve always got more ideas. As a member you gain access to over 1,300 recipes and over 600 archived meal plans Company Analysis - Financials - - - Slow Month due to external factors - possibly due to Government Shutdown Uncommon expense to cover rebranding (calculated) Ignoring Independent Contractor Expense Net Profit = $4,151.57 Competitor Analysis The Scramble Hello Fresh Problem Recommendation 1 Effectively Utilizing Instagram to engage with users and potential users ❖ Utilizing website content on instagram to provide aesthetic visuals to our users of your offerings ➢ Why instagram? ■ There’s a niche of food bloggers, similar companies who've established a following for their brand by providing limited and highly curated content. ❖ Increase user engagement ➢ By encouraging more user generated content ❖ Showcase products- Recipes ❖ Drives website traffic Ex. Food Network ❖ 8.4 Million Followers ❖ Mixed Media content ➢ Photos ➢ How to Videos Ex. Food Network Redirecting Traffic to Website Recommendation 2 Targeting Families With Younger Children ❖ Develop sales and marketing strategy in effectively reaching younger families by tailoring recipes to be inclusive of younger children ■ Benefits from our services based on their difficulties in adjusting to a younger child’s food preferences ■ Increases subscription time when satisfied with recipes which increase revenues ❖ Invest in learning about children preferred food groups and types of food ❖ In a survey conducted by Minnesota State University revealed that the mean average age of their pickiest children was 5.6 years old and the mean average of the parents surveyed were 38.9 years old Key Takeaways ❖ Focusing on younger families requires highly curated meals that satisfies parents goals at providing nutritious meals that their kids will eats Data Analysis Questions that answering by: yes,no,and maybe Remaining questions which has different answers Row Labels 1-How often do you see yourself using this service? a few 11 not at all 17 sometimes 12 Grand Total 40 Row Labels 3-Are you single, married, or have a family? 16 Married with kids 7 Single with kids Single without kids 17 Grand Total 40 Row Labels 4-How much would you typically spend on food per week? $30-$40 16 $40-$50 2 $40-$50, more than $50 1 0-$20 4 more than $50 17 Grand Total 40 Row Labels at home 6-Do you prefer to eat at home or outside? 23 Almost all people who said no fo paying $5/6 a week for this service are not intrested to use this service References yons, Maureen (2015) "Children's Picky Eating and the Role of Family Environments," Journal of Undergraduate Research at Minnesota State University, Mankato: Vol. 15, Article 3. Available at: The Website
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Situational Analysis
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According to the survey data, many people did not give a clear indication of their
preferences. Almost all people were opposed to the idea of change. For...

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