How is sustainability shape and change the design decision of architect?

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How is sustainability shape and change the design decision of architect?

One theme: sustainability

Three examples: Garden by the Bay(Singapore), EcoARK(Taipei), One Central Park(Sydney)

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Title: How is sustainability shape and change the design decision of architect? One theme: sustainability Three examples: Garden by the Bay, EcoARK, One Central Park In the 21 centuries, growing technology allow human being to live at the unprecedented moment that human is progressing rapidly by undermining the resources of the earth. Extracting everything that we can get access to. Meanwhile it raises more and more problem about the environment. Natural disasters and species extinction is constantly rewarming the world that it is more important to keep the balance while creating miracle from the material that taken. Given the growing relevance of the sustainability agenda to the professions of the built environment, this essay will discuss about how modern architecture is putting sustainability into a great part of consideration in the design process. More importantly, how materials are innovative and solution are build addressing the idea of respecting the environment. This essay will use example of architectures in all over the world embodying the solution regarding consideration of the environment. Garden by the Bay in Singapore is a eco garden incorporating technology and plants to create a co-living green environment in the advanced-developed city. One can argue that the Garden City respect nature adds to another layer of humanity to its architecture. Meanwhile project One Central Park in Sydney by Jean Nouvel brings together residential life and rebuild resources. The idea of technically efficient and commercially viable strategies is well discussed under the aspect of technology and economy. Comparing this co-living relationship between nature and city life, sustainability concerns the issues of building material on the other hand. Taiwanese architect Arthur Huang uses recycles plastic bottle and redesign to turn it into plastic bricks. The EcoARK which was originally planned to be dismantle in 6 months, will stand permanently due to its surprise strong structure. Arthur Huang takes huge step into recycling garbage that was supposed to be accumulated in the wasted mountain. Built for the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, the EcoARK building brings about discussion in different levels such as distribution of materials and wealth and economy affect. The essay focus on the perspective of sustainability, and discuss the possibility and opportunity of architecture to retain a long-lasting position that address the issues of appropriate technology. Bibliography: Andrews, J (1982) Architecture : a Performing art Lutterworth Press Crowther, R(1992) Ecologic architecture "Sustainable Architecture and Design." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . "Applications of Sustainable Architecture." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . "Green Architecture Design Elements." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Architecture Style: A History." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . “Arup.” Green Architecture at South Beach, Singapore, Central Park Sydney - Patrick Blanc, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, Carolyn S.Hayles Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2015, Pages 100-108
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How is sustainability shape and change the design decision of the architect?
Sustainable architecture aims at minimizing adverse environmental impact on buildings
by efficiently using moderate materials and energy. It is durable in that the development space
and the ecosystem at large are taken into consideration before a project is undertaken. There is a
global awareness on conserving the environment and waste recycling little do we know the
amount of carbon waste our houses emit. To be able to come up with a sustainable architectural
design the architecture has to consider choosing the right form and orientation this aims at what
side of the building is exposed to the environment thus allowing sunlight penetration this is only
beneficial in temperate areas but when it comes to tropical areas the orientation will be better if
the building faced away from direct sunlight (Avgeriou, Stal & Hilliard, 2013). Architects are
also to un...

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