Global Warming And Effects OF Violent Injuries In Communities

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Global Warming: A Major Concern

According to World Health Organization (WHO), global warming is the primary issues for concern. Noise pollution, overcrowding, traffic jams are some factors that have led to this problem. Lack of privacy is another factor in the modern times that is impacting people in ways that haven't been examined yet. We also see a wide variance in weather patterns, such as severe hurricanes and drought conditions in the U.S.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). (n.d.). Climate change. Retrieved from

Based on your understanding of the topic, create a report in a Microsoft Word document answering the following questions:

  • Examine one weather condition over the past two years in the U.S. which drastically affected the population. How can the community better prepare their families for such severe conditions?
  • Do you agree with the statement that countries should be held accountable for their contribution to climate change? Why or why not?
  • List some of the issues that might occur as the world's population increases? Factor in water, food, and hazardous waste into your comments. Suggest ideas to address or avoid these issues.

According to the CDC website, violence is attributed for approximately fifty thousand deaths each year and results in over 2.5 million injuries. Homicide and suicide are the second and third leading causes of death, respectively, among US population aged fifteen to thirty four years.

Hospital emergency departments treat an average of fifty five people for injuries every minute. The worst after effect of the sudden population explosion across the globe is the rise in violence.

  • How have violent injuries affected a community? What steps have communities taken to decrease overall violent crimes?
  • What steps can the federal or state governments take to help support communities affected from random or consistent violent acts?
  • What can parents do in their homes to help educate children about risks and preventative accidents to help keep them safe? What role should parents take to reduce family violence?
  • How can health promotion and wellness programs play a significant role to reduce individual or gang violence?
  • How can schools and work environments increase safety measures against violent individuals or gangs entering their establishments?
  • What roles should parents, neighbors, friends, health care personnel, and the community take when they observe someone who may exhibit unusual behavior or comments to help prevent potential violence? What agencies or resources are available to help communities cope and help their members seek help or assistance?

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Explanation & Answer

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Global warming
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Part 1
USA experiences snow that accumulates to more than 12 inches affecting the life of
people and business. In 2014, massive snowfall created havoc in the west and mid-south where
people lacked power and transportation facility. Almost 6500 Air flights were canceled
because the storm affected more than 22 States causing 18 deaths. People didn't bothered to
clean the snow. The snow was very disruptive and dangerous. Us also experienced dry
conditions early 2014. The drought was experience in California and the Western areas also
experiencing wildfires. For instance, the wet place, Oregon, experienced to wildfires. The
community should prepare for such adverse conditions by preventing the possible effects. The
local authorities should help people to clean the snowy areas. The weather forecast department
should provide accurate predictions. The business and large production houses should also
make sure that the environment is least effective due to the waste produced b...

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