Criminal Justice Administrators - Lawbreakers questions

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Business Finance


Criminal justice administrators must be aware that the public maintains great interest in the operation of their agencies. Particularly when dangerous lawbreakers are involved, mistakes can be costly, and are reported publicly.

  • To what extent does an agency’s dependence on public opinion impede or encourage planned change?
  • What changes should the management of a troubled correctional facility make to keep the employees happy and prevent the public from going against the facility?
  • Provide an example of a significant research study done in the criminal justice field. How have the results of this research study revolutionized the working of the criminal justice system?
  • What are the positive effects of research in the criminal justice profession since the President’s Commission in 1967? What are the negative effects?

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Criminal Justice Administrators
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Criminal offenders need to be punished for their actions, and justice should be rendered
to those who offend them. This, therefore, means that those responsible in the delivery of justice
are known as the criminal justice administrators. There are very different agencies that are
involved in the administration of justice to the offenders. It is important to know that every
decision that they make towards an offender receives very much airplay and public interest from
different sections of the society (Feeley, 2017). This is more intense especially when the offender
is a high profile person in the society or in the state that they come from.
The extent to which an agency depends on public opinion
Public opinion is the central point of many assumptions and decisions that a government
takes. This means that the laws are made based on what the public wants and what satisfies them
without discrimination. However, the agencies that administer justice should regulate the extent
at which they should depend on the public opinion (Casper, 2018). One of the m...

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