Origin Of Personal World View Values And Beliefs Of Healthcare

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Paper #1: My Worldview Pre-Writing Outline Template Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to help you become a more effective critical thinker. You will be identifying, examining, and analyzing your beliefs and values of your worldview. You will also be exploring how your worldview influences decisions you have made, as well as your actions, on personal and political issues. Paper Format: Your paper should be about five (5) pages, 12-point font, word processed, and double-spaced. It should also include at least 2 citations from the opposing viewpoint to receive full credit. The reference (MLA – Works Cited) page should be a separate page and is not counted as one of the five pages. Paper Evaluation: The paper will be evaluated using the rubric posted in Titanium. The paper is worth a maximum of 70 points. This outline will assist you with writing a clear and cohesive paper. I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction A. Define worldview – What is a worldview? My Worldview Origins – How did you develop your worldview? A. Family – Describe your home life. How has your family shaped your values and beliefs? B. Friends – How have your friends contributed to how you view ideas and issues? C. Religion – What do you believe (see Articulating your Worldview chart)? How has this belief shaped your worldview? D. Education – Think about how you were educated and the ways in which it influenced you in your abilities to think critically. E. Geographic Location – What role do you think America should play in the world? F. Politics – What is your political ideology? [see https://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz] My Worldview Values & Beliefs A. Issue – choose an issue that you have a very strong opinion either for or against it. B. Pro or Con? – 1. What led you to adopt this opinion on this issue? 2. What are the major influences? How did your family and/or geographic location (where you grew up) influence you? 3. Consider the influence of ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, gender, education, government, and/or the media. For example, in what way might your gender affect your perspective? C. Opposing Viewpoint – Go to the Opposing Viewpoints site (see handout in Titanium) and find at least two articles written by authors who support the opposing side of this issue. 1. Article #1: Citation i. Why does the author value and believe his/her position on this issue? ii. Why do they disagree with your point of view? 2. Article #2: Citation i. Why does the author value and believe his/her position on this issue? ii. Why do they disagree with your point of view? D. Values & Beliefs Analysis 1. After exploring the opposing viewpoint, do you still hold the same opinion? 2. Do you think you might change your mind in the future? Under what conditions? My Worldview Critical Thinking Self-Analysis – After exploring your worldview origins, values, and beliefs, determine your current critical thinking level. A. Mindset Rating Survey Analysis 1. Do you have a positive, ambivalent, or averse disposition towards critical thinking? B. Perry Model 1. What stage (do not say that you are little of all four – where does your brain spend most of its time?) do you think best describes your thinking at this point in your life? Why? 2. Think about your position on controversial issues. Are you opened minded? Closed-minded? 3. How was your opinion formed – thru logic, emotion, hearsay, research, first-hand experience…? Conclusion A. What did you discover about your worldview? B. Identify two critical thinking (skills and/or attitudes) goals you would like to focus on and strengthen this semester? Rubric: My Worldview Paper Critical Thinking Goal Worldview Self-Analysis Excellent The paper provides a thorough self-analysis of the student’s worldview and includes all of the following components: Good The paper provides a self-analysis of the student’s worldview and includes most of the following components: Average The paper provides limited self-analysis of the student’s worldview and includes some of the following components: Below Standard The paper doesn’t provide a self-analysis of the student’s worldview and only includes a few of the following components: ▪ Reflects on the impact of social biases (family, friends, religion, education, geographic location, and politics) on the development of the student’s worldview. Thoroughly analyzes how the student’s worldview impacts his/her values and beliefs Determines current critical thinking skills/attitudes and includes a thorough discussion of the Perry Model and the Mindset Rating Survey. (18-20 points) ▪ ▪ Reflects on the impact of some social biases (family, friends, religion, education, geographic location, and politics) on the development of the student’s worldview. Analyzes how the student’s worldview impacts his/her values and beliefs Determines current critical thinking skills/attitudes and includes the Perry Model and the Mindset Rating Survey. (14-15 points) ▪ The paper thoroughly demonstrates that an opposing worldview has been fairly considered and acknowledges limitations of own analysis and worldview opinion. ▪ Two citations from two different high quality sources were utilized to gain knowledge of the opposing worldview. ( 18-20 points) Paper is well organized. Ideas follow logical progression acknowledging complexities of topic. Objective, academic tone is maintained. (9-10 points) ▪ The paper demonstrates that an opposing worldview has been fairly considered and acknowledges limitations of own analysis and worldview opinion. ▪ Two citations from two different sources were utilized to gain knowledge of the opposing worldview. (16-17 points) Paper is organized. Ideas follow logical progression. Objective, academic tone is maintained. (8 points) ▪ The paper minimally demonstrates that an opposing worldview has been fairly considered and acknowledges limitations of own analysis and worldview opinion. At least one citation was utilized to gain knowledge of the opposing worldview. (14-15 points) ▪ Lacks organization and reader direction. Ideas are not well connected. Some comments seem to lack objectivity. (7 points) Lacks organization and reader direction. Ideas are not connected or are illogical. Comments seem to lack objectivity. (6-0 points) Introduction & Conclusion ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ___/10 ▪ ___/20 ▪ ▪ Opposing Worldview Analysis ___/20 Organization & Coherence ___/10 Writing Mechanics & Formatting (APA or MLA) ___/10 _____ / 70 ▪ Introduction and thesis are concise yet complete, providing background information and giving direction and organization for paper. Conclusion provides thorough reflection, summarizes highlights, and draws a conclusion about the student’s worldview by providing two specific critical thinking skills/attitudes the student would like to attain by the end of the semester. (9-10 points) Free from errors in grammar, usage and mechanics. Standard format for referencing is followed and error free. (9-10 points) ▪ ▪ ▪ Reflects on the impact of most social biases (family, friends, religion, education, geographic location, and politics) on the development of the student’s worldview. Analyzes how the student’s worldview impacts his/her values and beliefs Determines current critical thinking skills/attitudes and includes a discussion of the Perry Model and the Mindset Rating Survey. (16-17 points) Introduction introduces topic, but may provide too much information. Thesis provides clear direction for paper. Conclusion provides reflection, summarizes highlights, and draws a conclusion about the student’s worldview by providing two specific critical thinking skills/attitudes the student would like to attain by the end of the semester. (8 points) May have a few errors in grammar, spelling, usage or punctuation, but meaning is not compromised. Citations and reference page follow standard format with minor errors. (8 points) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Introduction is brief or insufficiently introduces the topic. Thesis provides direction for paper. Conclusion provides minimal reflection about the student’s worldview and only provides one specific critical thinking skills/attitudes the student would like to attain by the end of the semester. (7 points) Multiple (6+) errors in grammar, spelling, usage or punctuation and/or Citations and reference page contain formatting errors. (7 points) ▪ ▪ ▪ Reflects on the impact of few social biases (family, friends, religion, education, geographic location, and politics) on the development of the student’s worldview. Analyzes how the student’s worldview impacts his/her values and beliefs Determines current critical thinking skills/attitudes and includes a discussion of the Perry Model or the Mindset Rating Survey. (13-0 points) Does not address counter argument and/or address thinking process that lead to thesis of paper. (13-0 points) Introduction is brief and fails to adequately introduce topic. And/or lacks clear thesis. No conclusion or specific critical thinking skills/attitudes goals are provided. (6-0 points) Multiple (3+) errors in grammar, spelling, usage or punctuation per page and/or citations and reference page do not follow standard format. (6-0 points)
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World Review Essay Outline
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Last Name 1
World View
A world view can be defined as the way one individual visualizes or sees the world in terms of
philosophy, religion, culture among others. It is not the physical perception but rather the
philosophical perception of the world. World views are often perceived from a certain point of
view, and each individual has his or her view of the world. Theorists and philosophers have
believed that world views keep changing and different factors contribute to these changes. There
is religion, politics, education, social circles among others. People are independent of each
other’s opinions because of their world views, and the differences help people appreciate views
of others. Culture, religion, ethnicity among others are the reason for the differences, and most
people in the world have their views shaped by such factors. Perspectives of people on various
issues differ in the world because of the world views, and for example, there are those that find
no fault in same-sex marriage, acquisition of wealth, polygamy among others. Different people
in the world have influenced the views of others, and for that reason, they often attribute their
views to a certain philosophy or origin, either in religion, politics among others.
Origin of Personal World View
My personal view of the world has been changing, and when I was a child, my views were
different from what they are at the moment. Most of what I believed when I was a child was
determined and greatly influenced by family and friends and to a large extent religion. Today,

Last Name 2
almost everything has played a role in the world view that I hold, family, friends, religion,
education, the geographical region I have lived and still live in and finally the politics of that
region. Among all the five, education and politics of the region that I live in have been critical to
my development of world views.
Family Influence/Bias
I come from a family that has strong conservative views and beliefs, and we are guided by
principles like respect, peace, unity, and love. Parents are leaders, and their guidance is key to
the success and wellbeing of the children. My father is the head of the family and makes most of
the decisions, and my mother is the manager of the home and the one who spends most of the
time with the children as they grow. My family is united because of how our parents raised us;
we believe in supporting each other. As a result of that, I have learned to respect people and
support them because of what I have picked from my family.
I have lived in different places where I have made various friends, most of my friends are not
Muslims, and so e of our world views are opposite from each other. As a result of that, I have
learned that our differences don’t make us enemies but friends who appreciate each other. Most
of my friend’s beliefs contradict mine, and at some point, one would be forced to cave in to the
intimidation. However, I have learned that we all have our world views and we ought to respect
each other’s views as well. What I don’t agree with I don’t like ridicule, I always try to learn and
appreciate it because it teaches me more about others.
I was born and raised a Muslim, and I have believed in Islam with all my heart since I was a
child. I have been taught and believe Allah to be the only creator of the unive...

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