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World Review Essay Outline
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World View
A world view can be defined as the way one individual visualizes or sees the world in terms of
philosophy, religion, culture among others. It is not the physical perception but rather the
philosophical perception of the world. World views are often perceived from a certain point of
view, and each individual has his or her view of the world. Theorists and philosophers have
believed that world views keep changing and different factors contribute to these changes. There
is religion, politics, education, social circles among others. People are independent of each
other’s opinions because of their world views, and the differences help people appreciate views
of others. Culture, religion, ethnicity among others are the reason for the differences, and most
people in the world have their views shaped by such factors. Perspectives of people on various
issues differ in the world because of the world views, and for example, there are those that find
no fault in same-sex marriage, acquisition of wealth, polygamy among others. Different people
in the world have influenced the views of others, and for that reason, they often attribute their
views to a certain philosophy or origin, either in religion, politics among others.
Origin of Personal World View
My personal view of the world has been changing, and when I was a child, my views were
different from what they are at the moment. Most of what I believed when I was a child was
determined and greatly influenced by family and friends and to a large extent religion. Today,
Last Name 2
almost everything has played a role in the world view that I hold, family, friends, religion,
education, the geographical region I have lived and still live in and finally the politics of that
region. Among all the five, education and politics of the region that I live in have been critical to
my development of world views.
Family Influence/Bias
I come from a family that has strong conservative views and beliefs, and we are guided by
principles like respect, peace, unity, and love. Parents are leaders, and their guidance is key to
the success and wellbeing of the children. My father is the head of the family and makes most of
the decisions, and my mother is the manager of the home and the one who spends most of the
time with the children as they grow. My family is united because of how our parents raised us;
we believe in supporting each other. As a result of that, I have learned to respect people and
support them because of what I have picked from my family.
I have lived in different places where I have made various friends, most of my friends are not
Muslims, and so e of our world views are opposite from each other. As a result of that, I have
learned that our differences don’t make us enemies but friends who appreciate each other. Most
of my friend’s beliefs contradict mine, and at some point, one would be forced to cave in to the
intimidation. However, I have learned that we all have our world views and we ought to respect
each other’s views as well. What I don’t agree with I don’t like ridicule, I always try to learn and
appreciate it because it teaches me more about others.
I was born and raised a Muslim, and I have believed in Islam with all my heart since I was a
child. I have been taught and believe Allah to be the only creator of the unive...