Cuyamaca Journal: The Death of Ivan Ilyich By Tolstoy

User Generated



Cuyamaca College


Is a theme of this story more about how Ivan lived or how he died?

  • Use the third person. Do not use the “I” pronoun.
  • Introduce your essay by establishing what prompt you are responding to. Briefly summarize the reading. State your thesis.
  • Support your thesis in a few paragraphs. For each paragraph, provide a topic sentence that directly supports your thesis. Use textual evidence in every body paragraph. Textual evidence may be direct quotes, but it could also be a paraphrase or summary of events. At the end of the evidence give the author or translator and the page number.
  • Conclude your essay with some final thoughts on the subject.
  • The essay should be at least 2 typed pages in MLA format.

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Explanation & Answer


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Journal: The Death of Ivan Ilyich By Tolstoy
The story by Leo Tolstoy highlights the death of Ivan Ilych, who was a well-known judge
in St. Petersburg. At the wake after his death, Ivan’s friends gather to discuss his death, but they
do not wish to stay any longer as they seem to have other things to focus their lives on. Peter
Ivanovic, for example, is eager to go do better things like playing bridge (Tolstoy). Before his
death, Ivan goes through denial of the impending death while acknowledging that he has had a
turbulent life, with such unexpected realities as marrying a wife he did not love and worrying
about material things like career and wealth. The idea of the impending death torme...

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