Is there a link between obesity and poverty

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an argumentative essay about whether obesity and poverty.

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The Argument Research Paper Important Dates 3/31/19: Research question & sources due to group (discussion board post) 4/7/19: Thesis/Outline due to Groos 4/14/17: Rough draft due to group (post in discussion board); Peer Edit begins 4/21/19: Peer Edit ends 4/28/19: Final Draft due to Groos; Finish Teamwork Assessment Objectives for this assignment • • • • • • • • • Write an essay of at least 4 pages typed in MLA format with Works Cited page to follow as page 5 Provide sufficient background information on this current event/controversy/epidemic in your Introduction so that an uninformed reader may understand the context of the issue Indicate clearly your intention to persuade the reader of your sensible position on the issue and include an argumentative thesis statement in the format I have given you in class Support your thesis with clearly relevant content that is logically organized into supporting sub-points (use specific examples, details, descriptions of each point) Integrate at least 5 sources in the form of summary, paraphrase, or quotations and include your interpretations of these references to demonstrate their relevance to the topic Attribute and document accurately all information from sources (meaning, provide parenthetical citations where necessary and a Works Cited page) Draw an informed opinion based on your own research, reading, sources, and your own experience Write free of any distracting grammar errors like sentence fragments, run-on sentences, comma splices, misspelled words, etc. Fully participate to the best of your ability in the group aspects of this assignment including discussion board posts, the Peer Edit workshop and Teamwork Assessment Essay Regulations All essays must appear in proper MLA format. This includes 12 point, Times New Roman font, the proper headers, 1-inch margins and a Works Cited page. Your in-text citations and Works Cited page must be formatted according to MLA guidelines (see Purdue Owl website for help). Essays should be written in third person. All essays must be at least 4 pages in length. Description The purpose of this assignment is to create a well-researched academic argument to take a position on an issue of culture. Specifically, students will develop and answer a research question under the umbrella topic of obesity in America. This question may pertain to the use of GMO’s, rise in disease, sugar, advertising, school lunches, fast food or any of the other sub-topics we have discussed in class. Students should first focus on a particular aspect of this controversy that interests them, and develop a research question to answer. This research question will give them a focus for their research as they locate sources to cite in their essay. Students will collaborate in the research phase of this essay by sharing helpful sources via the discussion board, but students will work independently to develop their own thesis statement, outline and essay drafts. Students will collaborate lastly in a Peer Edit workshop before the final draft is due. The final essay must incorporate at least 5 outside sources (with Works Cited page) for support. Sources The purpose of including outside source material is to bolster your own opinion of the subject (to support your main claim). Therefore, you should choose to integrate quotes that support the points you are making in your essay. However, your own opinion and commentary should take center stage. I am more interested in what you have to say about this topic than a summary of what others have said. Your sources are merely there to back you up when needed. Organization A thesis statement must appear as the last sentence of your introduction. The thesis statement needs to identify your main claim and the reasons why you feel this way. The body of your paper will discuss each of the reasons you’ve identified in your thesis. Make sure to include: I. Engaging title that hints at your thesis and grabs readers’ attention II. Introduction A. A hook or attention-grabber at the beginning (quote, startling statistic, hypothetical question, hypothetical story, etc.) B. Background information on the topic – you need to spend some time here to set up this discussion – why is obesity in America a growing problem that we should care about? What different concerns have been raised about this issue and where are we falling short in solving it? C. A brief definition of any key terms if applicable (ex: GMO) D. A clear, concise thesis statement (what are you arguing in this essay? Give a main claim + reasons why you feel this way here). Be sure to establish the scope or population you will be discussing in this essay (adolescents? Adults? Both?) III. Body Paragraphs (at least three) A. Transition words or phrases (First, next, additionally) B. A clear topic sentence that establishes the focus of your paragraph (What is the first point you will discuss? What is the second point you will discuss?) C. Specific examples and details that support your overall thesis (make sure all the information contained in a single paragraph pertains to the same main idea expressed in the topic sentence for that paragraph) D. Incorporate source material as needed – every quote you include from your research must have a parenthetical citation and corresponding entry on your Works Cited page E. Closing statement that summarizes your thoughts on this point and/or leads us to the next body paragraph – “All of this makes it very clear to see that…”) III. Conclusion A. Refresh your reader’s memory about some of the key points of your essay (do not merely repeat yourself). B. Answer the question, “So what?” Let your readers know why this topic matters, why should they care about it? Why should they spend money to help remedy it, etc. C. Do NOT introduce any new comments or topics D. Give us some “food for thought” for the future…what steps can we take to solve this problem either on a personal, local, regional, national, level…?
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Hello.Please find the draft attached. The final paper will definitely be polished. Attached also is the outline. Thank you.

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The link between Poverty and Obesity
It is widely regarded that obesity is caused by a combination of an individual's lifestyle
and genetic factors. As understood by society, a major contributor to excess body weight and
obesity among many individuals is the tendency of eating food high in fat or the tendency to eat
junk foods. The World Health Organization has identified obesity as a major public health
problem, with the number of people in Europe with the condition shown to have tripled over the
past 20 years (Kim and Knesebeck 1). This has since prompted the need to understand factors
leading to obesity. A major point of concern has been the level of income. Analysis of different
nations has shown that high-income countries have a higher proportion of people suffering from
obesity compared to low and medium income nations. However, there is a paradox in that
although obesity mainly affected the developed nations such as the United States, and lowincome people are more likely to be obese compared to their more affluent counterparts.
Nevertheless, an analysis of current literature and events indicate the existent of the relationship
between poverty and obesity.
The rate of obesity is exceptionally high today. According to Kim and Knesebeck, the
prevalence of obesity in adults has increased from 3.2 percent to 10.8 percent in men between
1975 and 2014, while that of women in the same period has increased from 6.4 percent to 14.9
percent (1). This can be attributed to an increase in economic disparity and more people living in
poverty. In children, a high correlation between poverty and obesity is shown. Accordi...

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