Employment Law and Labor: Hypothetical Scenaios

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Business Finance


1. Chapter 9: Hypothetical Scenario #20 (page 278)

2. Chapter 10: Hypothetical Scenarios #17 (page 310)

3. Chapter 12: Hypothetical Scenario #16 (page 395)

4. Chapter 13: Hypothetical Scenario #19 (page 425)

5. Chapter 14: Hypothetical Scenario #20 (page 478)

Each response is worth 20 points (100 points total). Please remember that your responses must ALL be fully supported and cited. If the question appears to be a "Yes" or "No" question, it's NOT (you must still support your response by answering WHY). The assignment should be submitted in ONE Microsoft Word document and presented in APA format (pages to be double-spaced, typed in 12-point font). Your submission should be a minimum of 500 words (2 pages or more),

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Explanation & Answer

Hey there, I have completed the assignment. please find attached. its nice working with you😇


Hypothetical Scenarios
Institution Affiliation



Hypothetical Scenarios

Hypothetical Scenario #20
Sue Phillips is protected under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 as she is over
40 years old and the manager, based on that information, assumed that she “seemed too old and
inflexible.” While the Act allows employers to favor younger employees over older ones, the
younger, in this case, is supposed to be at least 40 years (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, n.d.). That is not the case here given that Sonya Glass is 33 years old which means
that the manager’s assumption is pure discrimination on age. Further, he doesn’t seek to know
whether Glass is more proficient in computer and software usage and proceeds to give her the
job based on the assumption that her age makes her better equipped and more flexible than
Phillips. Therefore...

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