CRIM 1310 Analysis on sexual Assault Rape and Prostitution Reflection paper

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CRIM 1310





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Reflection Paper Instructions TOPIC: Sexual Assault, Rape, Prostitution… Provide an analysis on it. You have free reign on this topic. An analysis’s primary concern is to explain something in greater or newer detail using a unique point of view. Avoid making this a boring paper by incorporating some of your own opinion and ideas! • Use examples, research, resources, data, etc. to support your reflections. Use at least 3 sources besides the books (citing in APA format both in your paper then again on the reference page). • The paper will be written using the APA writing style format. “Wikipedia” and “YouTube” are not acceptable sources. The Internet may be used to access information from scholarly journals, libraries, etc. • Students must cite the source of their information if they quote directly, paraphrase, or use in any way someone else’s ideas. If students do not cite their sources, it is considered plagiarism. • Paper must be written 12pt., Times New Roman, double spaced and a minimum of 4 pages, not including the reference page or title page. Abstract not needed.
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Explanation & Answer

This is the draft. Sending the final paper in a few

Prostitution is the practise or business of being involved in an indiscriminate sexual activity
with an individual who is not a spouse or a friend in exchange for payment in money or other
forms of valuables. Prostitution can also be referred to as commercial sex, hooking or sexual
services and people who operate in the field of prostitution are called prostitutes. There are
male and female sex workers and transgendered people can also be prostitutes. However,
historically women have been known to dominate the practise of prostitution and many
clients are majorly men. There are various forms of commercial sex and it its legality varies
in different countries around the world. In some nations, it is permitted and unregulated while
some countries consider it as a regulated profession. Some people view commercial sex as a
form of violence or exploitation of women and children which aids in creating supply for the
demand of victims for human trafficking. People who recognize prostitution as a profession
supports the Swedish approach. In Sweden, the government has legalized the practise of
selling sex and it consid...

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