Accounting Graded Project 15 Part A

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Business Finance


Part A

Prepare the general journal entries to record the following transactions for the Harris company.(The company uses the balance sheet approach for recording bad debts expenses.)


Dec 31 Recorded Bad Debts Expenses, 800


Jan. 3  Wrote off Jal's account as uncollected, $60

Mar. 4 Wrote off Jal's account as uncollectible, $75

Jul. 5  Recovered $4 from Hall

Aug. 19 Wrote off M.Wilson's account as uncollectible, $100

Nov. 7 Recovered $25 from Jal's

Part B

For each of the following, identify in Column 1 the category to which the account belongs, in column 2 the normal balance for the account , in column 3 the financial statement that the account in which the account balance is reported, and in column 4 the account's nature (temporary/permanent).

(1) Interes payable

(2) Interest receivable

(3) Discount on notes payable

(4) Store equipment

Part C

A computer server system, which had cost $210,000 and had accumulated depreciation of $147,000 was traded for a new system with a fair market value of $235,000. The od system and cash of $180,000 were given for the new system.

Prepare the journal entry for the exchange of these similar assets.

Prepare journal entries for the following for Bartz, Inc.

May 11 Replaced the engine in a Van #1, paying cash of $5,400

May 18 Paid cash for a tune-up of the engine in Van # 2 of $570

May 29 Paid cash to add a lift to Van #2 of $3,700



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