HRMT 603 AMU Week 8 Apple’s HR Policies Research Paper

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HRMT 603

American Military University


Assignment Instructions

Research Paper Guidelines:

A written research paper in APA format, 6 - 10 pages of content (NOT including the cover page or reference page) will be submitted during week 8. Be certain in writing that you adhere to APA citation guidelines (in text and reference). Make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors will impact the grading.

HR Policy and the implementation of policy vary based on organizational norms and adherence and interpretation of the relevant federal and state laws. Throughout the course we have discussed important policy issues and the political, legal, social, ethical, and organizational ramifications. Your readings have provided a basis for the trends of the future and current issues in HR Policy.

With the knowledge gained, you are tasked to represent the Board of Directors of your organization in your selected industry. You are the top management team of the organization located (your choice of locations). You believe that productivity, quality of product, innovativeness, profitability (and/or cost effectiveness), and morale are much lower than they should be to meet the competitive and social challenges of the year 2019 and beyond. You will present a statement of management philosophy and a sketch of the basic human resources policies and procedures you believe will lead to the goals you seek. Members of the Board of Directors will be looking at (1) the soundness and innovativeness of your recommended program, (2) evidence of industry-study, interviews (if available), and library research, and (3) the quality of your presentation.

Students must have a minimum of three (3) refereed journals found in the online library included in the reference page about the policy and implementation. The paper should include an assessment of the student’s current organizational demographics (If you are not working or do not have a frame of reference, you can research an organization through the online library or that is researched and potential impact using the following outline:

Parameters for the organization:

You are free to describe the organization with which you will be associated. You will need to provide some level of detail of your organization. Use your general knowledge, coursework, and research to accomplish this.

Even though you are required to provide general organizational details, your primary function is human resources. Analyze based on this premise.

Assume that a core group of managers and employees (approximately 250) are already in place.

Your organization can produce a product or service.

Requirements for the Overview of the organization:

Description of what the organization does and organizational structure. Be specific. You may include an organizational chart.

How does the organization operate? How are tasks/work projects accomplished?

Is the organization domestic or international? Locations?

Who are the competitors?

What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization?

What is the culture like?

How is information communicated?

Why would people want to work for this organization?

Requirements for Policies

Present a statement of management philosophy.

Develop the rationale for policies and procedures that you feel are needed to achieve the organizational goals. Minimally, policies on sexual harassment, promotion, and dismissal should be included. Include relevant legal issues. This rationale must be supported by relevant research; not just your opinion on what is needed.

Develop a minimum of 5 actual policies to be included in appendices.

Analyze implications and draw conclusions.

Provide recommendations to include the rationale for selecting the policies and the impact on the organization.

Provide a plan of communication for implications.

Minimum of 3 scholarly peer reviewed journals must be included (I expect an extensive reference list of at least 10 references (books, journals, interviews, etc.) to be included).

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Assignment Instructions Research Paper Guidelines: A written research paper in APA format, 6 - 10 pages of content (NOT including the cover page or reference page) will be submitted during week 8. Be certain in writing that you adhere to APA citation guidelines (in text and reference). Make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors will impact the grading. HR Policy and the implementation of policy vary based on organizational norms and adherence and interpretation of the relevant federal and state laws. Throughout the course we have discussed important policy issues and the political, legal, social, ethical, and organizational ramifications. Your readings have provided a basis for the trends of the future and current issues in HR Policy. With the knowledge gained, you are tasked to represent the Board of Directors of your organization in your selected industry. You are the top management team of the organization located (your choice of locations). You believe that productivity, quality of product, innovativeness, profitability (and/or cost effectiveness), and morale are much lower than they should be to meet the competitive and social challenges of the year 2019 and beyond. You will present a statement of management philosophy and a sketch of the basic human resources policies and procedures you believe will lead to the goals you seek. Members of the Board of Directors will be looking at (1) the soundness and innovativeness of your recommended program, (2) evidence of industry-study, interviews (if available), and library research, and (3) the quality of your presentation. Students must have a minimum of three (3) refereed journals found in the online library included in the reference page about the policy and implementation. The paper should include an assessment of the student’s current organizational demographics (If you are not working or do not have a frame of reference, you can research an organization through the online library or that is researched and potential impact using the following outline: Parameters for the organization: · · · · You are free to describe the organization with which you will be associated. You will need to provide some level of detail of your organization. Use your general knowledge, coursework, and research to accomplish this. Even though you are required to provide general organizational details, your primary function is human resources. Analyze based on this premise. Assume that a core group of managers and employees (approximately 250) are already in place. Your organization can produce a product or service. Requirements for the Overview of the organization: · · · · · · · · Description of what the organization does and organizational structure. Be specific. You may include an organizational chart. How does the organization operate? How are tasks/work projects accomplished? Is the organization domestic or international? Locations? Who are the competitors? What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization? What is the culture like? How is information communicated? Why would people want to work for this organization? Requirements for Policies · · Present a statement of management philosophy. Develop the rationale for policies and procedures that you feel are needed to achieve the organizational goals. Minimally, policies on sexual harassment, promotion, and dismissal should be · · · · included. Include relevant legal issues. This rationale must be supported by relevant research; not just your opinion on what is needed. Develop a minimum of 5 actual policies to be included in appendices. Analyze implications and draw conclusions. Provide recommendations to include the rationale for selecting the policies and the impact on the organization. Provide a plan of communication for implications. Minimum of 3 scholarly peer reviewed journals must be included (I expect an extensive reference list of at least 10 references (books, journals, interviews, etc.) to be included).
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Explanation & Answer



Apple’s Human Resource Policies and Recommendations
Student Name




Human beings are essential in any organization, HRM involves acquiring the services of the
people, developing skills of these people, and inspiring them to achieve their potential and
ensuring workers maintain loyalty and commitment to the company. In short, human resource
management revolves around organizing of people hired in the company right from the time they
were employed to the time of retiring. The key functions of human resource in a company
include; hiring and choosing employees for the company, employees orientation, maintaining
better working condition, employee relations management, and training and developing
employees capabilities (Grant, 2016). This research aims to critically assess the human resource
policies of Apple Corporation by elaborating how the organization processes of human resource
reflect contemporary practices HR practices while presenting the management philosophy. The
paper will also provide recommendations to Apple Corporation Director of human resources on
the modern HR practices that can be of benefit to the organization.

Apple Inc. was founded in 1776 by the men: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne.
Back then Apple Inc. was just a garage in California, which was established with an of selling
their PC, Apple 1 which had been built by Wozniak. Apple 1 was not qualified to be called a
finished product because it was lacking important features such as human interface devices such
as the keyboard or mouse. In 1984, Apple Inc. made a groundbreaking device called Macintosh
or Mac which set out Apple Inc. from other firms targeted in the advertisement. Mac was a
revolutionary PC because it had its own Graphical User Interface (GUI) and allowed users of a
mouse which is relevant till today. From back then Apple has grown to reach a market $ 400



billion market capitalization. The Apple main products are iPods, iPhone, iTunes, Apple Watch
and MacBook.
The story of Apple is that of success, the corporation’s income has increased in trifold since
its inception. The organization has witnessed revenue growth on an upward scale because of
making high-end and high-quality smartphones. Forbes study shows that Apple Corporation is
the most valued manufacturer of smartphones in comparison to other organization. The secret
behind this is the company’s emphasis on innovation as founders espoused, which has made the
corporation the biggest brand when compared to its competitors. Apple Corporation has attained
this by continued facilitation of its diverse employees through training them on the broader scope
of the gap in the business (Grant, 2016). These targets to reinforce the profits base of the
organization by having inspired workers on its side.
The second important reason for organization success story is because of hiring a workforce
that is talented. The HR policy used by the corporation is the key factor behind Apple’s great
achievement and technology dominance (Grant, 2016). Apple Corporation has great talents and
the organizing of this workforce is one of the best workers management techniques. Effective
and vital workforce with the right approach of their management will help an organization to
attract and retain the best and workforce that is talented. Workers’ talents and expertise are the
reason why Apple Inc. is the leader in manufacturing quality smartphones and PCs. The
organization hierarchical form assists it to adopt best ways that attract and retains most talented
and best workers.

Apple Inc. Organizational Structure



Apple Corporation organizational structure is hierarchical. The structure was developed
by former CEO and founder Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs structure was designed to ensure there are
innovativeness and vision th...

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