A proxy server used to protect the identity of your system from a hacker

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Oenaqba J

Computer Science


Network Security from Hackers

A hacker attacks a network in different ways, using common protocols and applications. A proxy server can protect the identity of your system from a hacker, but if a hacker connects to the proxy server, your identity would be disclosed.

Based on what you have learned so far, answer the following questions:

  • Explain at least three different protocols or applications a hacker may use to assist in an attack on a network.
  • In what possible ways can these protocols be used to attack a network?
  • Discuss the easiest and safest way to intrude into a network. Provide rationale to support your answer.
  • Discuss the features of two popular proxy servers. Explain which feature makes one proxy server provide more protection over the other and why.
  • Describe a scenario in which you would use a particular proxy server to protect the identity of your system. Justify your choice.

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