RHET1105 Winnipeg Effects Of The New Media On Our Lives Paper

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assignment is divided into two parts

part a is resarch proposal including


working title

research question

working thesis statement

discripsion of research essay

part b

4 scholarly and peer reviewed sources texts

1+ reading from textbook of ch 12


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1 RHET 1105-(3) Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary Instructor: Robyn Flisfeder ASSIGNMENT #3: Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography (20%) Date Assigned Library Tutorial In-Class Workshops Due Date Assignment Timeline 26 Tel 7 March 12 March 19 March Objective: This first step in the researching and writing process will lay the foundation for your research essay. You will choose a topic of study, develop a research question and working thesis statement, and then delve into the body of knowledge using the scholarly and peer-reviewed resources at the library. Once you have found your resources, you will write properly constructed citations using APA, and write two short paragraphs about them. You will complete your research proposal by providing a description of your project that incorporates the research you found. In completing the research proposal and annotated bibliography successfully, you will be very well prepared to write the research essay. O O Topics: The topic for the assignment must be chosen from one of the chapters in our course textbook: Chapter 9: Cultural Studies: The Body Under Construction Chapter 10: Psychology: Conformity and Courage Chapter 11: Education: Power and Privilege in School Culture Chapter 12: New Media: Making Our Lives Easier or More Complicated? O O Part A) Research Proposal Provide the relevant information for each of the following headings. Use these exact headings to divide the sections: Topic Working Title Research Question Working Thesis Statement Description of Research Essay (1-1.5 pages) See textbook pages 120-122 Part B) Annotated Bibliography What do you need to include? 4 "scholarly" and "peer-reviewed” sources (texts) from the library ✓ 1+ readings from the textbook (from chapters 9-12) Ooo Your citations must include bibliographic information for all your sources, written in proper APA format. Each citation must be followed by: ✓ A descriptive paragraph about the text ✓ A thoughtful paragraph about how the text will be used in your research essay Notes about Writing: Double spaced, 12-point font, with normal margins (2.54cm all around) NOTE: Please submit your rubric for evaluation with your word-processed final product. Example Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography * Please Return 1 4 Draft Proposal Topic: Effects of Technology on Children Working Title: Helping or Harming: The Effects of Technology Use on Children. Research Question: What are the effects of technology use at school on children? Working Thesis Statement: Even though technology in the classroom has promised to enhance students learning by increasing skills such as decision making, it is not beneficial for students overall education because it causes increased distractibility, lower attention spans, and weakens social interactions. Description of Research Essay: In my paper, I intend to examine the effects of technology on school aged children. While investigating this, I will research both the positive and negative effects that technology can have on kids. To begin my paper I will discuss the purpose of school, and whether this purpose has changed as a result of technology. This will be an intentional examination that will lay the foundation for the rest of my paper. In this paper, I will argue that technology is having more negative effects than positive ones on children. In order to effectively argue this, I will first analyze the counter arguments. Through my research, I found that some positive effects of technology include that it has helped children develop good decision making and reading skills, along with developing the ability to synthesize information quickly. By addressing these points, I will be better able to convince the reader of my argument. Next I will make my argument that technology is having a negative effect on children by using three main pieces of evidence. Firstly, that technology has caused students to be more easily distracted and more prone to multitasking. Secondly, I will argue my point is that technology has caused students to have lower 2 attention spans. My third and final piece of evidence is that technology has negatively affected students relationships with their peers, by wasting time that could be spent investing in friendships. In my research, I will include works from many different people, who are credible to speak about the topic. The idea for my research topic came from journalist Jon Lorinc's article, “Driven to Distraction”, which appeared in Across the Disciplines. In this article, Jon provides compelling evidence that media causes people to be far more distractible, and I will make reference to this article in my paper. I will also make reference to a book written by Cedric Cullingford and Nusrat Haq, called Computers, Schools and Students: The Effects of Technology. This book outlines many of the effects of technology on schools and students. In addition to these two sources, I will use other ones to convey my point thoroughly. Annotated Bibliography Cullingford, C., & Haq, N. (2009). Computers, Schools and Students: The Effects of Technology. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uwinnipeg/reader.action?docID=446415&query= In this book, research from a variety of high schools is synthesized to show the effects of technology in schools. This book gives an insightful overview of what the purpose of school is, and how this purpose has changed over time. It describes how technology is shaping and impacting the contemporary school experience. This book (particularly in chapter 11) provided many accounts of how students view school. This brought across the point that the main purpose of school is to gain knowledge and to develop social skills and friendships, this evidence will be useful in my essay when I describe the purpose of school. One of the main points of my argument is that technology is negatively affecting 3 students relationships with their peers. This book supports this idea, by showing that technology is limiting friendships and having a negative effect on them, so this will contribute to my point. Livingstone, S., & Haddon, L. (Eds.). (2009). Kids online : Opportunities and risks for children Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uwinnipeg/reader.action?docID=517148&ppg=2 This book, written by Sonia Livingstone and Leslie Haddon, discusses the risks and benefits for children in the online world. It presents these risks and benefits, and then discusses who should be involved in protecting children from the potential threats of the online world. This book is unique because of its wide range of contributors, bringing together a lot of valuable research. This book will be useful in my paper as it discusses the benefits and risks for kids using technology, and more specifically the internet. The research I found in this book will be useful for describing how technology has changed and shaped the school system, which I will do at the start of my essay. This book makes it clear that there are no simple solutions, and that technology is a very complex thing that has shaped how kids learn and act. Lorinc, J. (2007). Driven to Distraction. In J. Mcleod-Rogers & C. G. Taylor (Eds.), Across the disciplines Academic Writing and Reading (pg. 400-408). Toronto, ON: Pearson. The article “Driven to Distraction", by Jon Lorinc was originally published in a Canadian magazine, and later appeared in Across the Disciplines. It shares how people now are more prone than ever to multitask because of digital media. The author provides plenty of research and evidence of what the effects of multitasking are, such as loss of productivity and less focus. One of the main points in my research essay is that technology in the classroom causes increased distractibility. As this article points out, people are far more distractible when using technology because they are always multitasking, jumping from one website to another or constantly losing
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Research Proposal



Topic: Effects of new media
Working title: The effects of the new media on our lives
Research question
Is new media making our lives easier or complicated?
Working thesis statement
In the current world of today, social networks have become a greater part of our world.
They are being applied in each aspect of our lives. We are linked 24-hours a day at shopping,
homes, schools, and workplaces. To feel like you are a part of the society, there is a need and
necessity to be linked with social media platforms such as Facebook. With increasing numbers
being linked with social media networks on the internets, there comes an increasing desire for
safety and privacy. Online or internet spaces are viewed as public domains which you participate
in but difficult to own. Once you post something online, it is no longer personal. We share these
domains with billions of individuals worldwide. They do not merely belong to a single firm or
person, but to the general public. It is like the air that is consumed by everyone and every
individual has access to air. They are domains which human beings share and therefore no single
person can demolish. Just like the internet spaces, we all contribute to air health from the
utilization of our industries and cars. Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook are current
methods in which individuals are utilizing to connect and interact with each on a day-to-day
Social Media platforms such as Facebook have become all-encompassing part of
contemporary cultures that may also affect mental health. The objective of the systematic review
was to recognize and sum up studies exploring mental health in the contexts of social networking



sites. It also purposed to identify researches which complement the mental health assessment
with well-being measures and explore mediators and moderators which add to this environment
complexity. Social connectedness, positive interactions, and social support on social networking
sites were constantly associated with lower anxiety and depression levels, whereas negative
social comparison and negative interactions on social media platforms were associated with
higher anxiety and depression levels. Social networking sites utilize associated with greater life
satisfaction and self-esteem and less loneliness. Results were mixed for the frequency of social
media platforms and numbers of social networking site friends. Different trends in the manner
people with social a...

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