What is Shakespeare’s attitude toward love?

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Part A and Part B are separate essays. Each minimum of 600 words. Everything needed is in the file attached.

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Name _________________________________ I.D. Number _______________________ Project 2 Evaluation 32 ENGH 043 060 Twelfth Grade English 1 Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment) when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D. number at the top of this page! Project 2 is worth 100 points. It is worth 12 percent of your course grade. For this project, you will complete the question in Part A and the question for Part B. Please review the appendix in this course for more about thesis statements, paragraphs, MLA style, and conventions before you begin this project. The rubrics are provided so you know how you will be graded and what is required. Please look over them as well as reading the comments under each choice. Essays should be 600 words. If you choose the video option in Part B, it should be about 5 minutes. Complete Part A and Part B of your project in the places indicated in this document (scroll down). Part A: Essay What is Shakespeare’s attitude toward love? Shakespeare wrote many sonnets and in each he expresses love. Choose two Shakespearian sonnets that are discussed in this course and explain what these two sonnets say about his attitude toward love. Be sure to indicate in the intro which two sonnets you are discussing. As you prepare your essay, you will need to give a summary of the ideas in each sonnet and connect those ideas to Shakespeare’s attitude toward love. Evaluate and compare the ideas in each sonnet. Part A will be graded according to the following rubric. Point breakdown is: Thesis Statement: Ideas / Content: Organization: Language and Style: Project 2 10 points possible 10 points possible 10 points possible 5 points possible Sentence Fluency: 5 points possible Conventions: 5 points possible Citations: 5 points possible Total points possible: 50 1 ENGH 043 10 8 6 4 2 0 Thesis Statement Thesis statement is very clear and clearly addresses the posed question. Thesis statement is clear and generally answers the posed question. Thesis is unclear, but a main idea is generally present and on topic. Thesis statement is unclear, and main idea is not clearly on topic. Thesis statement is unclear, and main idea is off topic. Thesis statement is missing and main idea is unclear. Ideas/ Content Details are clear, specific, and accurately summarize the text. Support of the thesis is clear. Details are accurate and summarize the text. Support of the thesis is apparent. Details are present and give a general idea of the text. Some connections to the thesis are present. Details are vague and do not give a clear summary of the text. Support of the thesis is lacking. Details are confusing and do not summarize the text. There is almost no connection to the thesis. No details from the text. No connection to the thesis. Organization Effective order of detail with transitions connecting ideas. Welldeveloped intro, body, and conclusion and solid use of paragraphs. Strong order with some transitions. Intro, body, and conclusion are all developed and paragraphs generally used correctly. Attempts to organize with weak transitions. Intro, body, and conclusion are not fully developed, and paragraphs are attempted. Lacking organization with few to no transition. Intro, body, and conclusion are not developed or might be missing and paragraphs are incorrect. Disorganized and confusing with no apparent transition. Intro, body, and conclusion are not identifiable and paragraphs are lacking. Organization is not attempted and no transitions are apparent. Missing intro, body, or conclusion and no paragraphs are used. Project 2 2 ENGH 043 5 4 3 2 1 0 Language and Style (Word Choice/Voice) Words chosen clearly communicate meaning and thoughts. Vocabulary is accurate, natural, and appropriate. Style is unique and appropriate. Words chosen communicate meaning and thoughts. Vocabulary is sufficient for communicating ideas. Style is natural. Words chosen are general in communication of meaning and thoughts. Vocabulary, while perhaps accurate, is not clearly followed. Style is attempted and successful at times. Words may be confusing at times. Vocabulary might be overdone or too basic. Style is unnatural. Words chosen are confusing throughout. Vocabulary may be unnatural or distracting. Style is lacking originality. Words have no meaning. There is no style. Sentence Fluency Sentences are smooth and easy to read. Varied in length and structure throughout. Sentences are easy to read. Varied in length and structure at times. Sentences are sometimes awkward. Lacking in a variety of length or structure. Sentences are often difficult to read. Choppy or run together sentences are noticeable. Sentences are difficult to read. Choppy or run together sentences to the point of distraction. Sentences contain such lack of fluency that it is challenging to read for understanding. Conventions (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, including titles!) No glaring errors. Readability seems flawless. If errors are present, they do not distract the reader. Occasional errors, but not too distracting. Frequent errors affect the readability. Numerous errors are distracting throughout and make the text hard to read. So many errors it cannot be read for understanding. Citations and Works Cited page (as needed) Follows MLA format correctly. Inline citations and Works Cited page done correctly. Follows MLA format with few errors. Citations and Works cited page are used as needed with few errors. Follows MLA format, with some errors. Attempted citations and Works Cited page but contains errors. Does not use MLA format. Citations and Works Cited page contain many errors. Does not follow MLA style. Missing citations and Works Cited page information. No citations and no Works Cited page. Total Score out of 50 possible points: Project 2 3 ENGH 043 [Begin Part A here—scroll down for Part B] Project 2 4 ENGH 043 Part B Pick one of the following works to discuss: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Morte d’Arthur, or “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales. Compare an idea (belief, value, political issue, or social issue) found in the text to some aspect of today’s society. It could be something that is the same as it was in the text, or an idea that has shifted from the time the work was written until now. In your intro, identify the work you are discussing and the idea/issue along with how the views toward it have changed or remained the same. You will need to explain how the characters in the work address the issue as well as how it is addressed in society today. Written Essay Option Answer the question for Part B by writing a 600 word essay. You may research the issue from an outside source, but then be sure to include a proper MLA Works Cited page and in-line citation (see the appendix for more on these). Speech Option Answer the question for Part B by recording a five-minute video presentation in which you give a speech. The speech will be graded with the same rubric as the essay, including conventions in style, sentence structure, and grammar. Part B will be graded according to the following rubrics. Point breakdown is: Thesis Statement: Ideas / Content: Organization: Language and Style: Project 2 10 points possible 10 points possible 10 points possible 5 points possible Sentence Fluency: 5 points possible Conventions: 5 points possible Citations: 5 points possible Total points possible: 50 5 ENGH 043 10 8 6 4 2 0 Thesis Statement Thesis statement is very clear and clearly addresses the posed question. Thesis statement is clear and generally answers the posed question. Thesis is unclear, but a main idea is generally present and on topic. Thesis statement is unclear, and main idea is not clearly on topic. Thesis statement is unclear, and main idea is off topic. Thesis statement is missing and main idea is unclear. Ideas/ Content Details are clear, specific, and accurately summarize the text. Support of the thesis is clear. Details are accurate and summarize the text. Support of the thesis is apparent. Details are present and give a general idea of the text. Some connections to the thesis are present. Details are vague and do not give a clear summary of the text. Support of the thesis is lacking. Details are confusing and do not summarize the text. There is almost no connection to the thesis. No details from the text. No connection to the thesis. Organization Effective order of detail with transitions connecting ideas. Welldeveloped intro, body, and conclusion and solid use of paragraphs. Strong order with some transitions. Intro, body, and conclusion are all developed and paragraphs generally used correctly. Attempts to organize with weak transitions. Intro, body, and conclusion are not fully developed, and paragraphs are attempted. Lacking organization with few to no transition. Intro, body, and conclusion are not developed or might be missing and paragraphs are incorrect. Disorganized and confusing with no apparent transition. Intro, body, and conclusion are not identifiable and paragraphs are lacking. Organization is not attempted and no transitions are apparent. Missing intro, body, or conclusion and no paragraphs are used. Project 2 6 ENGH 043 5 4 3 2 1 0 Language and Style (Word Choice/Voice) Words chosen clearly communicate meaning and thoughts. Vocabulary is accurate, natural, and appropriate. Style is unique and appropriate. Words chosen communicate meaning and thoughts. Vocabulary is sufficient for communicating ideas. Style is natural. Words chosen are general in communication of meaning and thoughts. Vocabulary, while perhaps accurate, is not clearly followed. Style is attempted and successful at times. Words may be confusing at times. Vocabulary might be overdone or too basic. Style is unnatural. Words chosen are confusing throughout. Vocabulary may be unnatural or distracting. Style is lacking originality. Words have no meaning. There is no style. Sentence Fluency Sentences are smooth and easy to read. Varied in length and structure throughout. Sentences are easy to read. Varied in length and structure at times. Sentences are sometimes awkward. Lacking in a variety of length or structure. Sentences are often difficult to read. Choppy or run together sentences are noticeable. Sentences are difficult to read. Choppy or run together sentences to the point of distraction. Sentences contain such lack of fluency that it is challenging to read for understanding. Conventions (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, including titles!) No glaring errors. Readability seems flawless. If errors are present, they do not distract the reader. Occasional errors, but not too distracting. Frequent errors affect the readability. Numerous errors are distracting throughout and make the text hard to read. So many errors it cannot be read for understanding. Citations and Works Cited page (as needed) Follows MLA format correctly. Inline citations and Works Cited page done correctly. Follows MLA format with few errors. Citations and Works cited page are used as needed with few errors. Follows MLA format, with some errors. Attempted citations and Works Cited page but contains errors. Does not use MLA format. Citations and Works Cited page contain many errors. Does not follow MLA style. Missing citations and Works Cited page information. No citations and no Works Cited page. Total Score out of 50 possible points: Project 2 7 ENGH 043 Essay Option Begin typing here (delete directions for speech option). Speech Option Record your speech and save it, using the course number, your name, and the project and part in the filename: ENGH043060_Your_Name_Here_Project2_PartB.wmv You may upload your presentation to YouTube. To protect your safety, select the UNLISTED privacy setting for your video. (This means that your video will not appear in any search of You Tube, but people who have the URL can watch it. Refer to the SAFETY information on You Tube’s homepage for more information.) Copy and paste the URL for your video into the table on the next page of this project assignment document (scroll down). If you do not have a YouTube Account, use the UNHS Dropbox. (The DropBox is password protected and NOT available to the public.) 1. Access the high school DropBox. To access the DropBox, use the navigation panel on your course management system (Waycool) homepage. 2. Click “Browse” to select your file. (A new “Browse” button will appear after you have selected your file. Disregard it. This feature of the DropBox is for projects in which students need to submit more than one file.) 3. Click “Begin Upload.” 4. Wait until a message appears on your screen saying “Your Upload is Complete.” This message will provide a URL to your file so it can be viewed online. 5. Copy the URL and paste it into the table on the next page of this project assignment document (scroll down). Be sure to copy your URL before you close the DropBox upload page. NOTE: If you experience difficulty or long delays in uploading, you may need to compress your video file. Recommended freeware programs for compression are: http://www.zamzar.com/ When you have uploaded your video (either to YouTube or the DropBox), complete the table on the next page. Project 2 8 ENGH 043 Name of Student Title of Speech URL link to your speech Citations for any outside sources used (in proper MLA format) To submit the project, save this project assignment document. Use the course number, your name, and the project number in the filename: ENGH043060_Your_Name_Here_Project2.doc Go to your course management system to upload your project file. Project 2 9 ENGH 043
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Shakespeare’s Attitude towards Love
Love is a precarious emotion that can be difficult to confer or receive. Many people that
experience love are often astounded by its complexity. There are many questions to consider
when discussing love: what is the true definition of love, what constitutes love, how can one be
deserving of love, how can one be undeserving of love, what is the value of love after death?
These are questions that can never be definitively defined because people have varied
experiences. In some cases, the results of these variances in experience are the great literary
poems that tackle such issues in an illustrative, abstract, and deeply personal level. Shakespeare's
"Sonnet 72" and "Sonnet 73"are examples poems that address the subject of love and all of its
intricacies through similar and contrasting themes, ideas, and attitudes.
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 72 explores the subject of love through expressing several
sentiments of a speaker whose tone is one of both self-condemnation and self-degradation. The
speaker is adamant in his requests, asking his lover to “forget him quite” if society ever were to
question the speaker’s “merit” or the quality that deemed him deserving of love. The speaker is
openly defeated, as he expresses “for you in me can nothing worthy prove”, meaning t hat the
lover’s affections would be of little value because he is of little worth (Smith 144). He pleads for
his lover to erase their memory of love, almost asserting that he is unwor...

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