Healthcare research paper, please read well

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You have been hired as the vice president for operations for Intravalley Health. One of your first tasks is to educate the board of directors concerning the evolving nature of healthcare and how it impacts the health system.

Identify a professional or scholarly journal article that addresses a topic within one of these three broad areas:

  • Medical tourism.

Access, review, and integrate the findings of the journal article into a 10-12 page analysis of your topic. Your exploration should include background of the issue, relevant laws and regulations, and strategic and operational impacts on health services organizations.

The board of director consists of preeminent social scientists, therefore your report should be delivered in APA format, including an abstract and references. The page count pertains to the body of the paper only.

Some administrative notes:

  • There is tendency to default to a hospital setting when considering issues in healthcare. You can examine other sectors such as long term care, palliative care, retail clinics, or community health centers.
  • It is expected the depth of the research goes beyond your studies in the core courses (MSM students) or HCAD 600 (MSHCA students). Please review the policy for re-use of prior course work - even if it is your own.
  • In order to provide a comprehensive assessment, the selected journal article should be supported (or refuted) by other scholarly sources.
  • As you know from your Library Skills course, sources such as Time, Forbes, the Washington Post and other newspapers, while often useful information resources, would not be appropriate primary sources for this paper. As a general guideline, if you can find the resource at a magazine stand, it probably is not a professional journal. The articles you choose should be recent (last 5 years) and should be primary rather than secondary. (Please see the APA manual if you do not recall the difference.)

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Explanation & Answer


RUNNING head: Medical Tourism


Medical Tourism

The present has seen many changes in the healthcare sector, each of which has had its various
impacts on the system. One major area, medical tourism, has in fact become not only an area of
interest by many countries, but also a field which many scholars explore with an aim of trying to
understand the various impacts it has on different countries and their healthcare systems. This
paper looks into the background of Medical tourism, the relevant laws and regulations which
govern it and the strategic and operational impacts it has on health organizations.

Technological advancement in the 21st century has allowed patience to access vital information
about healthcare services globally. Generally, this creates a warm environment for patients to
exercise their will and decide which places can offer them favorable treatment as opposed to that
which they can get locally. Such choices arise from the need to explore better or otherwise
different alternatives from that which patients can get locally from hospitals cum other health
sector operators. Medical tourist, that is, those who seek health care by travelling to other
countries seeking healthcar...

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