Healthcare Emergency Management Ennis EMP Model Discussion

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Each response should be at least 150 words.

The question was:

- Review Ennis’s EMP model. How would you improve it? Is there any crossover with other hospital department responsibilities?

- Provide a table of contents for your hypothetical emergency management plan.

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EMP Model Review Emergency response model is a comprehensive model that provides an overview of the standards relating to hospital staff and management. A complete guide for the emergency response plan is given specifying the details required for the training of staff and other medical personnel. Emergency equipment is also detailed to be present at the adequate times that are to be used in hazardous situations. Contamination related risks and cross over’s I think can be improved by decontaminating patients • • • • • • • • before reaching the hospital at the site of the incident. The model when analyzed with the Blanchard top 10 competencies required for emergency needs to be improved. The model needs to revise the overall framework of the model; the working philosophy needs to address all hazards and all phases’ risks. A strong leadership must be assigned and given responsibility to keep a cheek at all the management is working co-coordinately. No specific technical standard references are defined that needs to be developed to ensure advanced management such as geographical information system, emergency software, warning systems and certified credential administration associated with international managers. These technical software’s will make the hospital staff more knowledgeable towards any risk or hazard and would help in coordinating among team. Crossover with other Hospital Department Crossover with other hospital departments exists in the model.As you know all departments have to participate from preparation to the response. In this case, departments share emergency planning and management responsibilities, staff from other departments may be required to assist, also resources. Table of content for my hypothetical Emergency Management Plan: Introduction Scope and purpose of the Plan Mitigation Hazard Identification Preparedness Roles and Responsibilities Exercise and drills for preparation Response Incident Command System Communications Plan Community Communications Safety and security Logistics and supply management Recovery • Post-disaster recovery References: Reilly, M., &Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health Care Emergency Management: Principles and Practice Chapter 5: Developing the Hospital Emergency Management Plan Ennis, S.(2001). Model Emergency Management Program Hospitals and Community Emergency Response -What You Need to Know Emergency Response Safety Series, U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA 3152 (1997) Blanchard, B. Wayne. "Top Ten Competencies For Professional Emergency Management." (2005). Q1: Review Ennis’s EMP model. How would you improve it? Is there any crossover with other hospital department responsibilities? Ennis model for emergency management in a hospital is an exhaustive program that would allow effective response and recovery when faced with an emergency. Although Ennis focuses on how to respond to contaminated victims, the EMP applies to almost all forms of emergencies with only a few adjustments to suit the specific situation. Ennis lays focus on even the most minor details of the emergency management program such as cleaning of the emergency rooms which is important to ensure that response and recovery does not leave any loopholes for further damage. I think that there are a few adjustments that would make the model even more effective. First and foremost, regarding the EMS personnel, I think that they should receive first responder operation level training as the minimum training instead of first responder awareness training as indicated in the model. This would help increase the scope of personnel available for more complex handling of the contaminated bodies. Ennis says that moving of contaminated bodies should be restricted to only those who have undergone first respondent operations level training. Therefore, to increase the amount of workforce available to handle the contaminated victims, EMS personnel should be trained for the operations level at a minimum. Secondly, due to the independent ventilation systems, Ennis suggests that morgues should be used for decontamination. However, I think that morgues should not be used for decontamination due to the emotional stress that may come with the contaminated victims finding themselves in the morgue. Since putting up a separate decontamination area may deem expensive for the hospital. They should consider having a makeshift portable location at which they can decontaminate the bodies before sending them to the emergency or general health department. There is a significant cross over with other departments and responsibilities since it is the hospital's personnel who act towards the emergency response. This means leaving their daily activities and sharing roles among themselves to ensure that the emergency does not interfere with the daily running of the hospital. This results in a greater workload for each of the hospital workers. Q2: Provide a table of contents for your hypothetical emergency management plan. Table of Contents Introduction • Purpose • Scope • goals Emergency plan governance structure • EMP committee members • Roles and responsibilities Preparedness and pre planning Prevention and mitigation • Hazard identification and risk assessment • Impact analysis • Response ad recovery • Ethics and emergency response • Alternatives Evacuation planning Recovery checklist Debriefing tool Reference, Ennis, S. (2001). Model Emergency Management Program Hospitals and Community Emergency Response -What You Need to Know Emergency Response Safety Series (1). U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA 3152 (1997).
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Running head: ENNIS EMP MODEL

Ennis EMP Model
Institutional Affiliation



Response to Yas
I conquer with you that the Ennis model is a beneficial program towards an immediate
response to emergencies. This model has proven to be effective, as it focuses on the most
fundamental aspects of emergency response. To make the model better, some steps can be taken
in making sure that the employees are well trained for their job, as well as incorporating the right
ventilation systems in the emergency areas, to avoid decon...

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