How is sustainability shape and change the design decision of architect?

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I've write the proposal and narrowing down the specific cases and buildings to talk about. Please follow what I write in the proposal and develop a full research paper for the cases of Garden by the Bay in Singapore, EcoARK in Taipei, One Central Park in Sydney.

The paper is to be 10 pages of double-spaced, 12-point text, with 1-inch margins. Also develop a research bibliography at the end. Any additional page count is to be used for illustrations and bibliography.

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Title: How is sustainability shape and change the design decision of architect? One theme: sustainability Three examples: Garden by the Bay, EcoARK, One Central Park In the 21 centuries, growing technology allow human being to live at the unprecedented moment that human is progressing rapidly by undermining the resources of the earth. Extracting everything that we can get access to. Meanwhile it raises more and more problem about the environment. Natural disasters and species extinction is constantly rewarming the world that it is more important to keep the balance while creating miracle from the material that taken. Given the growing relevance of the sustainability agenda to the professions of the built environment, this essay will discuss about how modern architecture is putting sustainability into a great part of consideration in the design process. More importantly, how materials are innovative and solution are build addressing the idea of respecting the environment. This essay will use example of architectures in all over the world embodying the solution regarding consideration of the environment. Garden by the Bay in Singapore is a eco garden incorporating technology and plants to create a co-living green environment in the advanced-developed city. One can argue that the Garden City respect nature adds to another layer of humanity to its architecture. Meanwhile project One Central Park in Sydney by Jean Nouvel brings together residential life and rebuild resources. The idea of technically efficient and commercially viable strategies is well discussed under the aspect of technology and economy. Comparing this co-living relationship between nature and city life, sustainability concerns the issues of building material on the other hand. Taiwanese architect Arthur Huang uses recycles plastic bottle and redesign to turn it into plastic bricks. The EcoARK which was originally planned to be dismantle in 6 months, will stand permanently due to its surprise strong structure. Arthur Huang takes huge step into recycling garbage that was supposed to be accumulated in the wasted mountain. Built for the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, the EcoARK building brings about discussion in different levels such as distribution of materials and wealth and economy affect. The essay focus on the perspective of sustainability, and discuss the possibility and opportunity of architecture to retain a long-lasting position that address the issues of appropriate technology. Bibliography: Andrews, J (1982) Architecture : a Performing art Lutterworth Press Crowther, R(1992) Ecologic architecture "Sustainable Architecture and Design." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . "Applications of Sustainable Architecture." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . "Green Architecture Design Elements." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Architecture Style: A History." 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 03 2019 . “Arup.” Green Architecture at South Beach, Singapore, Central Park Sydney - Patrick Blanc, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, Carolyn S.Hayles Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2015, Pages 100-108
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How Sustainability Shapes and Changes the Design Division of Architecture
The world has transitioned from an era of rapid technological advancements that that was
supported by a very large consumption of natural resources to a period where people are focused
more on using resources more efficiently. This change has been propagated by the realization
that the earth has finite resources which tend to reduce even as the human population continues
with a rising trend. The reality is that the situation is spiraling out of control at an alarming rate
as the planet nears its carrying capacity. As those tasked with the duties of infrastructural
development seek sustainable solutions to the challenges at hand, it is now undebatable that
buildings have an impact that is significant to the environment.
For a long time, it has been the wish of architectures to get a balance between creating
buildings that are both functional and also eco-friendly. The nobility in the wish to achieve such
is indeed commendable and the efforts made as one strives to make the dream practical even so.
However, far be it from reality, this notion is thought to be wishful thinking and the professionals
consider it a “hippy” approach into solving problems that are much more complicated beyond the
realms of reality. There indeed exists great difficulty in incorporating the aesthetic elements of a
building with the functionality required of modern buildings while still being environmentally
friendly. The result is often a building whose construction and maintenance costs tend to
override the economic returns thus making the project not viable. However, there are instances



where such buildings are made for monumental purposes and thus the project owners
overlooking the possibility that indeed this could be a white elephant form of investment.
However, we cannot escape the fact that the buildings need to be sustainable and that
architectures and other developers of the built environment must seek alternatives into making
the dream a reality. Such alternatives could include the use of cheaper building materials and the
development of much more efficient designs that capitalize on minimizing the harmful
environmental effects of building and construction. In this paper, the focus will be on three
infrastructural projects which are Garden by the Bay, EcoARK, and One Central Park. There will
be an analysis of how modern architecture integrated sustainability as part of its consideration in
the design process. Furthermore, there will be an introspection into the innovative nature of the
materials used as part of the solution to the bigger problem of addressing environmental
The Effect of Going Green on Buildings
There are many potential benefits to building eco-friendly structures both from an
environmental and economic perspective. One such benefit is the reduction of building and
construction costs. One such way of doing so is the lowering of energy costs associated with
lighting and ventilation of the infrastructure. Furthermore, certain costs get reduced due to
recycling of resources like water or using more efficient ways of waste disposal. Recycled water
may be used for other functions. One such way of making good use of water is in the cooling
systems for the building. The recycled water may be used for cooling overheating machines and
other equipment. Furthermore, where it is possible, the water may be used for washin...

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