Racism And Segregation Of Immigrant In The United States Peer Review

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Scholarly Source Assignment

I need help with this assignment about finding and evaluating resources for a research paper about immigration

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Scholarly Source Assignment I need help with this assignment about finding and evaluating resources for a research paper. Please answer each question separately . My topic is about: The racism and segregation that Immigrants face in the united states. Current research question: Dose all immigrant face the same issue or just certain immigrants? Dose Immigrants have issues in all states or just certain states? Purpose and Instructions: In this assignment, you will continue your research using scholarly research sources. Be sure to carefully select TWO relevant, peer-reviewed sources that help you answer your research question and/or raise new questions. Scholarly sources take you into indepth research conducted by experts in their field and on the topic they are researching. Answer the questions belowabout each source. Question 1: Provide the MLA citation for the source Question 2: Evaluate your first scholarly article by writing a substantial paragraph that thoroughly addresses all of the following. 1. Verification that this a scholarly source. A scholarly source must be written by an expert in their field, be peer-reviewed, and published in an academic peer-reviewed journal. 2. The author’s name and their qualifications for writing about this subject. Remember what types of qualifications you have provided previously to justify credibility and provide these. (You will have to look them up online) 3. The types of evidence does the author use to support their argument or research? There will be more than one type of evidence. (e.g., quotes from other studies/articles, data, summary of findings, original research, primary sources, statistics etc.) 4. Selective quotations of two types of evidence and a description of how they support the author’s purpose, argument, or findings. Quotes should not be more than two lines; if you find yourself wanting to quote at that length, summarize the section instead 5. A source the author references that you would like to read and why. Provide the full citation along with your answer. Question 3: Provide the MLA citation for your second scholarly source Question 4: Evaluate your second scholarly article by writing a substantial paragraph that thoroughly addresses all of the following. 1. Verification that this a scholarly source. A scholarly source must be written by an expert in their field, be peer-reviewed, and published in an academic peer-reviewed journal. 2. The author’s name and their qualifications for writing about this subject. Remember what types of qualifications you have provided previously to justify credibility and provide these. (You will have to look them up online) 3. The types of evidence does the author use to support their argument or research? There will be more than one type of evidence. (e.g., quotes from other studies/articles, data, summary of findings, original research, primary sources, statistics etc.) 4. Selective quotations of two types of evidence and a description of how they support the author’s purpose, argument, or findings. Quotes should not be more than two lines; if you find yourself wanting to quote at that length, summarize the section instead 5. A source the author references that you would like to read and why. Provide the full citation along with your answer. Question 5: In what ways are these sources “in conversation” with one another? Answer ONLY one of the following: 1. Do these articles offer different perspective on an aspect of your research question? Describe that difference and overlap in a sentence or two. 2. Do these articles seem to agree completely? If yes, how do they still manage to offer something unique to your investigation? Perhaps they provide different types of evidence, approached their research differently, are coming from different perspectives (like psychology and criminology or fine arts and linguistics) 3. Do these articles disagree completely or disagree on many points? Describe that difference and what questions you have 4. Do these articles each use some of the same sources? What do you think these sources offer that both authors are drawing on them? Question 6: select your best source. Answer the questions below: 1. A best source may be one that fills in the gaps: What gaps exist in my research? What do I need to learn more about? What would that source need to include? Consider what type of expertise or experience, what kind of data etc. 2. . A best source may be one that changes you the most: Of the two sources above and the two news/website sources, which one has most changed my thinking about my topic (Do not use your Wikipedia or Credo sources!)? Describe what changed and why that article was so influential
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Explanation & Answer


Peer-Review of Articles on Racism and Segregation of Immigrant in the United States
Question 1:
André, Stéfanie, and Jaap Dronkers. "Perceived In-Group Discrimination By First And Second
Generation Immigrants From Different Countries Of Origin In 27 EU MemberStates". International Sociology, vol 32, no. 1, 2016, pp. 105-129. SAGE Publications,
Question 2:
This article is a peer-reviewed text because it has been reviewed and published in the
journal of international sociology. It offers an overall serious title about perceived in-group
discrimination of immigrants in different states. Its authors; Jaap Dronkers and Stephanie Andre,
have educational backgrounds that make the article credible for research. For instance, Stephanie
Andre is an associate professor in the department of sociology and her research focuses on social
inequality. Jaap Dronkers was also an associate professor in the department of education and
sociology at Maastricht University. The authors draw their conclusions from largely from
previous of works of other researchers which provided a successful ground for the study of this

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