Writing Assignment Wealth and Cellphone Usage

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Wealth And Cell Phone Usage 120 100 Number 80 GNI/Per Capita (in 1,000s) 60 Cell Phone Subscribers (per 100 Population) 40 20 0 Australia United States Burundi Malawi This is a two double-spaced page minimum assignment (12 pt. font, Times New Roman, 1” margins) in which you are to describe, comment, and draw conclusions based on the chart you see above. Follow these steps to interpret the above chart (This is a Bar Chart): 1. Look at the title 2. Look at the labels of the horizontal and vertical axis, as well as the information in the Legend 3. Compare figures and draw conclusions As you do, you see that: 1. This table deals with wealth and cell phone usage and that the countries involved are Australia, The United States, Burundi, and Malawi. 2. The vertical axis is labeled as ‘Number’ because this axis deals with both the value of the GNI/Per Capita and the number of cell phone subscribers. From the Legend (the information listed next to the chart that explains what the variables are and how they are measured) you see that wealth is measured in terms of GNI/Per Capita (Gross National Income Per Capita), which is a standard measure of wealth at the national level. Further, make sure to notice that the GNI/Per Capita is listed in 1,000s—which means that you take the number you see in the chart and add three zeros to it. You see, then, that the GNI/Per Capita in Australia and the United States (38,110 and 48,820, respectively) are much greater than that of Burundi and Malawi (610 and 870, respectively—from the way this chart is set up, though, it is difficult to tell exactly what the GNI/Per Capitas of Burundi and Malawi are). Conversely, the cell phone variable is a rate that is per 100 population; so, for example, for every 100 people who live in Burundi, 22 are cell phone subscribers. 3. When you begin to compare figures from the chart you see that there are fewer cell phone subscribers in Burundi and Malawi, and that these are countries that have low GNI/Per Capita. Conversely, both Australia and the United States, countries that have large GNI/Per Capita, have more cell phone subscribers. 4. Are you now ready to draw a conclusion from this chart? What would your conclusion be? Can you relate your conclusion to some of the ideas, concepts, and theories you learned in this “General Sociology” course, such as “traditional” and “modern” societies, “gemeinschatft” and “gezellschaft”, “consumer culture”, or “primary” and “secondary” groups, “structure”, “agency”, “mediated interaction”, “value-system”, “ascribed statuses”, “achieved statuses” “socialization”, “social networks”, or other ideas, concepts, and theories you learned in the three chapters? 5. Even though your conclusion may be very obvious, it is (as you now see), empirically supported through data you are using from this bar chart. ( See? we always need empirical data to prove the points we want to make—and using figures from a chart provides us with empirical evidence that makes our conclusions scientifically-based). Data in this chart are from the World Health Organization (www.who.int).
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Wealth and Cell Phone Usage

From the information provided in the chart, it can be concluded that wealthier countries
have high cellphone usage compared to countries with little weal. This is easy to tell by looking
at the relationship between wealth and cellphone usage in Malawi and Burundi, as well as in the
U.S and Au...

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