Relationship Between Capitalism and Patriarchy/Gender Oppression

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Essay discusses an economic question or phenomenon (i.e. gender/patriarchal oppression under capitalism)

What to do:

· The paper could be either:

2. an empirical study, preferably in reference to a theoretical debate.


3. a more ambitious attempt to formulate and assess your own hypothesis or theory.


Clearly state:

1. the question you seek to answer.

2. the answers to that question.

3. the research methodology you have used to answer the question.



1. The paper itself must not exceed 3,500 words, including footnotes, references, charts and tables. The minimum is 2,500 words.

2. in your introduction specify clearly the purpose, hypothesis and method of your paper.

3. AT LEAST 3 academic references including the one attached (you may use more if you wish)

- must use the attached reading by Christine Delphy, chapter 5 "Housework or domestic work", pg. 75-87

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Explanation & Answer

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Capitalism Influence on Patriarchy
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Capitalism Influence on Patriarchy
Today patriarchy is still part of most societies some more clearly than others. Even
though it has its source from past societies, patriarchy has managed to survive significant radical
changes in multiple social, political, religious, and cultural conventions. It was no wonder that it
had such a substantial impact on capitalism. Unlike other economic systems, capitalism could
amplify the social injustices of patriarchy more profoundly giving rise to strong women's rights
advocacy and feminism. This paper tries to show that under capitalism, traditional patriarchal
oppression of women became more pronounced and consequential both economically and
Research methodology
The research methodology used for this paper was a comprehensive literature review.
Resources collected and discussed include empirical research and theoretical analyses of the role
of capitalism in facilitating female oppression. Only work published in the last five years were
chosen for this exercise. The hypothesis of this paper, which had a fundamental influence on the
research done and research articles chosen, was based on the works of Delpy (2016). Works
discussing the historical contexts of patriarchy were critical to supporting facts that the system
was transhistorical and multi-presented in many social domains. Then different resources were
collected showcasing how magnified patriarchy was after its amalgamation with capitalism. It is
important to realize this paper is limited to works of the last five years. This paper could have
ignored many resources contradicting or supporting the thesis.
Patriarchy definition



To understand the interrelationship between patriarchy and capitalism, the definition of
each is crucial. Patriarchy, for instance, is a social system where women are inferior to men. In
itself, any perceived inferiority leads to physical exploitation and oppression (Miller, 2017, p. 1).
For example, in patriarchal societies, women's perspective on issues involving them has been
underrepresented (Lindsey, 2015, p. 30). As such, decisions made regarding this wellbeing has
been known to be beneficial to men first before, if any, type of gains reach the women.
Patriarchy has been part of human history for a long time. Its association with modern economic
systems such as capitalism and communist dictatorships are just signs of how malleable
patriarchy is.
Transhistorical patriarchy
Furthermore, this dominance perception of the dominance of men upon women can be
traced back centuries even millennia. Even in ancient civilizations from all continents, a majority
of communities were based on patriarchy (Miller, 2017, p. 1). Physical strength and male
heroism all laid a foundational perception that men were superior to women. Their relative
physical weakness led to the belief that they were inferior especially in a slightly competitive
world where conquests, war, and violence were the norms. Men saw their status above women as
defendable because they did actively take part in ensuring their protection (Lindsey, 2015, p. 34).
It was they who made strategic decisions of war and trade leaving their wives and mothers to
tend the home and nurture the next generation of tribespeople.
Multi-manifestation of patriarchy in Religion, Politics, and Culture
Thus, patriarchal doctrines manifested themselves in all sorts of structures. For instance,
religious, political and cultural leadership and representation mainly exalt the superiority of men
over women (Miller, 2017, p. 2.) Religions dating back millennia such as Islam...

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