ENG 1102 Alice Walker’s Everyday Use Narration essay

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Write a 750-word essay on Alice Walker’s Everyday Use, defend or refute Mama's beliefs about the use of the items in her home that her daughter wants to take to preserve.


Do NOT give your essay a title.
* I will expect your essay to have a "hook."

* The author's name and the title of the literary work must appear in the introductory paragraph.

* You must have a thesis in your introduction that provides the reader with the main idea for the essay and you must stick to this thesis.

* You must have direct quotes from the literary work to support all of the major ideas expressed in your essay.

* All quotes must have MLA formatted in-text citations.

* Your essay must have the MLA heading at the top of the first page.

* You always discuss literature in the present tense, NOT past tense.

* Do not write in 2nd person. No "you".

* Do not include unnecessary contractions. Unless it is part of a quote, you should not have contractions.

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Explanation & Answer

Please feel free to enquire for clarifications and editing. Thank you.



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An American musician known as Stephen Foster once said that life is not about leaving
and coming back to the same old thing. However, the returning is important because one returns
when they have changed, their perceptions have been altered, and this makes the whole
difference. Just like the river flows, there is a difference between when one is leaving and when
they are coming back. The quote by Stephen Foster can be used to refute Mama’s beliefs of the
use of items in her home that her daughter Dee wants to preserve. The beliefs of Mama in the
short story Everyday Use written by Alice Walker are wrong because the continuous use of the
items will depreciate them and may end up getting destroyed, there is a need to preserve the
memories of the p...

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