Was Progressivism an inspirational movement to further the nation’s democratic ideals or was it an attempt at social control by self-important, moralist busybodies? To what extent (how much) was Progressivism an expression of American’s old utopian tenden

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history 17A

Saddleback College


Each Major Problems in American History Chapter Questions NEED to have the following:

  • EACH question posed below needs to be answered in a lengthy paragraph of At Least 10-15 college-level quality, analytical sentences with 3 citation/quote from Cobbs example: (Cobbs, 94)
  • Please SUBDIVIDE each answer/paragraph by labeling each chapter’s questions appropriately (a,b,c,d, etc…)
  • In-text citations or Footnotes/Endnotes will suffice


ALL citations NEED TO BE BOLD in order to get full credit for them

If you do NOT cite, you will receive NO CREDIT for that question

  • use Times New Roman font 12 or comparable ONLY
  • Submit ALL questions as one assignment HERE (within Canvas)

PLEASE NOTE: If your www.turnitin.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. “Similarity %” is 21% or higher, you will lose points and the paper will be examined very closely for plagiarism and thus could receive a 0!!!

There have been a few students that have run into the “similarity” issue (in past classes) and this was mainly are due to including the Cobbs questions “word for word” in their answers. Avoiding this is simple…do NOT include the questions with your answers. Simply type answers and submit!

Any Questions or concerns: https://www.turnitin.com/help_pages/student_faq.as...

Introduction & Cobbs’ Chapters 5 & 6

Read Introduction: How to Read Primary and Secondary Sources

Read the following from Chapter 5 (The Progressive Movement) and Answer the questions:

  1. Documents:
    1. Utopian Edward Bellamy Scorns the Callousness of the Rich, 1888
    2. Black Educator Booker T Washington Advocates Compromise and Self-Reliance, 1901
    3. NAACP Founder W.E.B. Dubois Denounces Compromise on Negro Education and Civil Rights, 1903
  2. Essays:
    1. Michael McGerr—“Class, Gender and Race at Home: The American Birthplace of Progressivism.”
    2. Daniel T Rodgers—“American Progressivism in the Wider Atlantic World”
    3. Questions:
      1. Was Progressivism an inspirational movement to further the nation’s democratic ideals or was it an attempt at social control by self-important, moralist busybodies?
      2. To what extent (how much) was Progressivism an expression of American’s old utopian tendencies, and to what extent was it a reaction common to all industrializing nations?

    Read the following from Chapter 6 (WWI and the League of Nations) and Answer the questions:
    1. Documents:
      1. President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War, 1917
      2. Senator Robert La Follette Passionately Dissents, 1917
      3. Wilson Proposes a New World Order in the “Fourteen Points,” 1918
      4. An Ambulance Surgeon Describes What it was like “Over There,” 1918
    2. Essays:
      1. Jan Schulte-Nordhult—“Woodrow Wilson: Out of Touch Dreamer”
      2. Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman—“Woodrow Wilson: Man of his Times”
    3. Questions:
      1. How did the war further the Progressive agenda—AND undermine it?
      2. What do you think of Woodrow Wilson’s Leadership? Was he a hopeless dreamer who bungled the peace or the prescient advocate of a new and necessary world order?

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Explanation & Answer

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American History


Chapter 5 Questions

The progressivism movement in the American can be considered as an attempt of social
control by a section of the population. The movement involved efforts that would outlaw the selling
of alcohol, regulation of child labor and management of natural resources scientifically. The
movement, therefore, addressed wide-ranging issues including economic, social, moral and
political reforms. Other efforts include Americanization of immigrants, restriction of immigration
in totality and stop corruption in the government. All these efforts appeared to help in the
empowerment of the larger class of which was below the middle-income earners in America.
Although social control efforts help in creating balance in society by eliminating common
problems ex...

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