SOWK311 SC Personal Reflection On Course-based Research Study

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University Of South Carolina


-My own personal draft points are in document attached , kindly look into it brfore starting to have an idea what to write , basically elaborate on it

- Some more relevant ideas can also be added

-All reserch project documents and final poster is attached

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Personal Reflection on course based research 1. Lessons learned • Group work ( how to work as a team, got to learn behaviors of other people, how to help each other by being empathetic, helping vulnerable members of team ( walk with them on their pace , which will help to learn working with clients on their pace as a social worker), Learn skills from each other in team ( time management skills, poster designing skills, use of power point) • Poster designs, Learned to how to design in power point will add to my future course studies in next term • Awareness about self-care routines I can also use in my daily life and this is also essential to self-care as a social worker( can explain about self-care routines useful for social worker) • Research methods- Revised the research methods we had learned in class and learned to apply those in practice to collect data. Qualitative and quantitative research methods, sampling methods, research designs ( Include everything from attached documents) 2. Limitations • Difficulties facedIt was Difficult to get hold of people for research. It seems not many people are interested in surveys. It was Difficult to get hold of professors of classes after many attempts. • Small sample- When we went in classes 70 % of students were gone, so we could not get large sample. it was because we got last few minutes of classes 3. THINGS THAT COULD HAVE DONE DIFFENTLY• For large sample- Delivering questionnaires through black board that could have helped us to get large sample, Plan ahead of time ( Giving them more time at-least a week to complete questions and collect after), 4. My PERFORMANCE• Selection of topic and method- work with team in selection of topic and data collection methods and strategies are going to be used • Helping in data collection- Going in classes to distribute questionnaires and introducing our research topic to students, taking their consents to completing research Power point presentation- Making power point to present our research proposal in class Work in collaboration with team to design poster, providing recommendations where needed Presenting in class • • • Discussion Our results revealed that first-year diploma students utilize a variety of self-care strategies and activities. The most popular mindfulness activities were music, meditation and breathing techniques. We also found that the students used physical activities as an outlet for stress such as working out, running, and walking their dogs. In terms of social activities, many students enjoyed spending time with their friends and family. The most popular spiritual activity was going to church and praying. The students found these activities important in order to prevent burn-out; maintain mental, emotional and physical balance; stay healthy, fit and happy; to feel less stressed and more relaxed and at ease. While many of the students found the activities and practicing self-care to be important, they struggled to find time between classes, work and practicum. The students revealed how they would try to make time when possible as it helped them focus on their school work better and perform better academically. The results revealed to us how self-care means something different to everyone, but it still holds the same level of significance. Our results were beneficial to future social work students who are unsure of the importance of self-care, what it means, or what activities others use. Looking upon our results would provide them with ideas of different strategies they could try to help them understand what self-care means to them. Our research will help future social work students understand the significance of self-care within the social work profession by hearing past students reflections upon the program and profession. Course-Based Research Information Letter for Participation and Informed Consent Form What’s self-care got to do with it? Exploring effective self-care strategies among firstyear social work diploma students at MacEwan University Introduction Our names are Carrie, Jasmine, Manpreet, Patricia, & Shaylagh, and we are third year students in the Bachelor of Social Work Program at MacEwan University. We are conducting a small course-based research study for the purpose of learning self-care habits of first-year social work diploma students. Our course instructor is Dr. Hongmei Tong, she can be contacted at or 780-633-3619 should you have any questions. Purpose of Research The purpose of this course-based research study is to benefit social work diploma students as they learn the importance of maintaining self-care practices within the social work profession. Why Me? You are being asked to participate in this course-based research study because you are the next generation to step into the field of Social Work. By doing this research, we hope to gain a better understanding of first-year social work diploma students and their self-care strategies. With that understanding, we hope to expand your awareness of the importance of self-care practices within the social work profession. Having an effective self-care strategy will reduce the chances of burn-out, fatigue, and stress. What is Being Asked of Me? If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a short survey about your current self-care practices. Potential Risks There are no anticipated risks of participating in this study. This course-based research study involves no more than minimal risks and discomforts. Benefits and Remuneration In terms of benefits, your answers are important in helping us to understand your selfcare strategies within the field of social work. There is no remuneration for your participation in the research. Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal Your participation in the research is completely voluntary. You may withdraw at any point without consequence or explanation. If you do choose to withdraw your data will not be included in the study without your written permission apart from the survey data, which cannot be traced back to you. Confidentiality The entire survey will be confidential; no names are required. After gathering and interpreting your data, the surveys will be destroyed. We will hand out the surveys at the beginning of your class and collect them when you are finished. Informed Consent Before you agree to participate in this course-based research project, you must provide informed consent by responding to the following statements: I understand the purpose of the course-based research project and have been given the opportunity to ask questions of the principle researcher yes ( ) no ( ) I understand that my participation is completely voluntary and that I can withdraw at any time without consequence or explanation yes ( ) no ( ) I understand that every attempt will be made to maintain anonymity of my identity and confidentiality of my data yes ( ) no ( ) By your completion of this Information Letter and Consent form and checking the appropriate box above, you are giving informed consent for the use of your responses in this research. [ ] I agree to participate [ ] I do not agree to participate Warmest regards, Carrie, Jasmine, Manpreet, Patricia, Shaylagh Third Year Students Bachelor of Social Work Program Discussion Our results revealed that first-year diploma students utilize a variety of self-care strategies and activities. The most popular mindfulness activities were music, meditation and breathing techniques. We also found that the students used physical activities as an outlet for stress such as working out, running, and walking their dogs. In terms of social activities, many students enjoyed spending time with their friends and family. The most popular spiritual activity was going to church and praying. The students found these activities important in order to prevent burn-out; maintain mental, emotional and physical balance; stay healthy, fit and happy; to feel less stressed and more relaxed and at ease. While many of the students found the activities and practicing self-care to be important, they struggled to find time between classes, work and practicum. The students revealed how they would try to make time when possible as it helped them focus on their school work better and perform better academically. The results revealed to us how self-care means something different to everyone, but it still holds the same level of significance. Our results were beneficial to future social work students who are unsure of the importance of self-care, what it means, or what activities others use. Looking upon our results would provide them with ideas of different strategies they could try to help them understand what self-care means to them. Our research will help future social work students understand the significance of self-care within the social work profession by hearing past students reflections upon the program and profession. Statement of Research Questions What types of self care activities are practiced by first year diploma students at Macewan University during the school year? 1. 2. 3. What are the activities that the students take part in? How important is self care to their daily, weekly, monthly routine? What are some of the challenges that they face in carrying out effective self care routines? Upcoming Group Assignments & Dates Assignment Description Due Date Weight 6-1: Updated CourseBased Research Proposal Based on the feedback prof gave us in class PLUS addition of Sampling Methods (which will be covered in class on Feb. 5th in time for us to add it and submit it the following day) Wednesday, Feb. 6th (11:59PM) 2 Marks Assignment 1: Research Proposal & Ethics Application Presentation Final (updated) Research Proposal & Ethics Application In-class presentation: ● Research proposal ● REB form- Patricia ● Letter of consent form- Shaylagh ● Copy of surveyCarrie ● Powerpoint presentationManpreet ● Literature reviewJasmine Tuesday, Feb. 26th (2:00PM) Part of Assignment 1 updated version based on feedback received in class on February 26th. Thursday, Feb. 28th (11:59PM) Complete X 18 Marks Poster Presentation Assignment 2: Final Research Poster March 26th Including results from study & discussion Tuesday, April 2nd (11:59PM) 15 Marks Assignment – 1: Course-Based Research Proposal and Ethics Application Working collaboratively in groups assigned by the instructor, you will conceptualize, design, and implement a course-based research project using traditional or creative modes of inquiry. This will involve the development of a 4 to 6-page course-based research proposal (see criteria below). You will present your course-based research proposal in class (February 26th) to the Social Work Course-Based Research Ethics Panel formed by the instructor. You will email a copy of your draft course-based research proposal to the course instructor in advance of your presentation. The 4 to 6-page course-based research proposal should include the following sub-headings: STATEMENT OF PROBLEM TEAM MEMBER: This is an explanation as to why you chose the topic you did and describe the significance of examining this topic TYPE OF RESEARCH DESIGN TEAM MEMBER: Refer to module 1 Powerpoint PURPOSE OF STUDY TEAM MEMBER: Refer to module 1 Powerpoint RESEARCH PARADIGM TEAM MEMBER: Refer to module 2 Powerpoint LITERATURE REVIEW TEAM MEMBER: Small scale literature review - summarize findings from previous research and discuss how our particular research is different. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH QUESTION TEAM MEMBER: BENEFITS TEAM MEMBER: How will the research/study be beneficial to Social Work students and field? SAMPLE METHOD TEAM MEMBER: (i.e. How will you select your sample? How many subjects will be involved in the study?) DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY TEAM MEMBER: (Survey, questionnaire, interviews, art-based, observation methods, using existing data, other?) DATA ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY TEAM MEMBER: DISSEMINATION OF FINDINGS TEAM MEMBER: The following documents MUST also be attached to your draft course-based research proposal: TASK TEAM MEMBER RESPONSIBLE MacEwan University course-based research project REB Application Form - Form #1 Information letter/Recruitment Notice (Letter of consent form)- Form # 2 Our Survey NOTE: See blackboard link to access forms. Course-based research proposals and REB application not presented in class will not be graded. A specific grading rubric will be in Blackboard to assess your pc application presentation. Assignment 2 - Research Poster (April 2nd) For this assignment, you are required to prepare a professional poster (minimum size 2 x 4 ft) of your course-based research project. The professional design of your research poster must include the following: 1. Name of researcher(s) 2. Title of course-based research project 3. Research context 4. Purpose of research 5. Research question(s) 6. Type of research design 7. Research paradigm 8. Sample 9. Data collection method 10. Data analysis method 11. Results 12. Discussion SAMPLE RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Retrieved from course Blackboard page) A Qualitative Course-Based Investigation into Child and Youth Care Practicum Students and Their Concept of Personal and Professional Boundaries Research Team: Introduction Statement As Child and Youth Care students, the topic of boundaries can be confusing and intimidating. The subject of boundaries is not concrete, nor black and white, rather it is a very subjective matter. While students explore the field of Child and Youth Care, it is with awareness that boundaries are a critical aspect of the therapeutic relational work that is done within our practice. It is essential to grasp hold of the value of boundaries while working with a vulnerable population. The reason behind the value is to ensure emotional, physical, spiritual and mental wellness for the practitioner/student and the child, youth and/or family. When entering the field of Child and Youth Care, practicum students carry individual life experiences, which influences their concept of personal and professional boundaries. Professional boundaries provide individuals with limits to the relationship based on ethical regulations within professional standards, as well as defined roles and structures provided by organizations. On the contrary, personal boundaries are guided by personal values, beliefs and choices as well as personal characteristics and experiences. The study focuses on first, second and fourth year practicum students and explores how their gender, age and culture influences their concept of boundaries. Type of Research The type of research we will be conducting will be exploratory research. The study will be qualitative, course-based and interpretive. We will be exploring our fellow CYC students understanding of professional and personal boundaries in the context of their field placements. Purpose of the Study Our purpose for conducting this research is to benefit students within the Child and Youth Care program so that they feel empowered by what constitutes boundaries. The purpose is for students to gain awareness on the concepts of boundaries within their field placements. The study is aimed to define personal boundaries as well as professional boundaries for those entering the field. The purpose is to outline how a student’s understanding of professional and personal boundaries challenges their relational practice and vice versa. Statement of Research Question Is there a difference in how first, second and fourth year Child and Youth Care practicum students perceive “appropriate” or “inappropriate” personal and professional boundaries throughout their field placements experiences? And, does their age, gender and culture play a factor? Dimension of the Research The dimension of our research is Applied research because it is with desire that we explore and gain knowledge on the subject. Applied research is one type of research that is used to answer a specific question that has direct applications to the world. This is the type of research that solves a problem. Benefits of the Study to the Field of Child and Youth Care The benefit that our study has to the field of Child and Youth Care is that we are aiming to provide awareness and provoke thought on the concept of boundaries within field placement students. To add, we are aiming to create a sense of competency and comfort for practicum students and provide insight on creating personal and professional boundaries. Research Paradigm Because our focus is based on social reality, our course based study is grounded in the interpretive paradigm. This view embraces that human social reality is constructed more on a person’s beliefs, ideas and perceptions that people hold regarding their reality. These ideas and beliefs can include family, social, educational learning; life experiences, moral and faith based teachings, cultural and gender experiences. It is these personal and social attributes that CYC students bring into their field placements and attempt to bring meaning to personal and professional boundaries. Sample Method A nonprobability, purposive, convenience sampling strategy will be used to recruit participants for this course-based study. We are selecting our samples by focusing on first, second and fourth year students who are involved in field placements. Are aim is to survey 30% of the student population within field placements in first, second and fourth year combined (a target 45 students in total). We will seek permission from professor Gerard Bellefeuille and instructor Angila Chase to attend first, second and fourth year classes for approximately five minutes. We will be introducing ourselves to the students along with providing a description of our research topic, why we are conducting the research, and how we will be gathering data. All participants will sign a letter of consent and one page survey questionnaire. Data Collection Methods Our data collection method is to have students complete a short survey following the showing of a short three to five minute IMovie depicting images, videos, and personal clips of us as CYC students. The IMovie will be available for viewing on the platform of YouTube. Participating students will have two options to watch the YouTube video. The first option will be in class following our introduction of the course-based research project (the last 10 minutes of their class). The second option is to watch the YouTube video at home. Participating students will also have two options to complete the survey. They will be given a hardcopy survey in class that they can complete after class and drop it off to the CYC office in a confidential survey collection box. They will also have the option to complete a confidential online survey via the Survey Monkey tool. Data Analysis The thematic analysis method will use to analyze data to identify themes. The sequence of analysis consists of the six processes that are suggested by Braun and Clarke: (1) familiarizing oneself with the data, (2) generating initial codes, (3) searching for themes, (4) reviewing and refining themes, (5) defining and naming themes, and (6) producing a report. Data Presentation The results of the course-based study will be presented at a public CYC research poster showcase on November 28th at MacEwan University.
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Personal Reflection on Course-Based Research Study – Outline
Thesis Statement: Based on such conditions that a social work student go through, I have learned
several skills in the course based research study which will not only assist me through my career
but also make me understand people better.

Collaborative Skills
A. Almost every practice was carried out as a team for the group members
B. I could help some members to be empathetic by sharing some feelings


PowerPoint Presentation
A. I gained several skills for passing written information to people
B. I managed to perfect my skills by designing a poster for our course based research study


Self-Care Routines Practices
A. I could excellently describe the various practices that a social work professional
B. By learning the routine practices of a social worker through the application of self-care


Application of Research Methods
A. The skills regarding the application of research methods significantly opened my
B. Sampling methods and research designs were very beneficial to me in understanding


Challenges Experienced
A. I experienced some challenges when undertaking the practices, especially in conducting
B. Getting hold of class professor for assistance was challenging


Personal Reflection on Course-Based Research Study



Really useful study material!


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