Quality Performance: Course Project Task 3

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Business Finance


Part I

In this week, you will build on the analysis done in the previous weeks to create a quality management plan. Use the three steps of the Shewhart Cycle—Do, Check, Act—to complete your quality management plan.


Create a "balanced scorecard" and a "dashboard" specific to the areas of improvement in your quality management plan to describe performance measurement tools that are broad in scope but summarized in a few key indicators.

Using the selected healthcare operating unit, create a specific dashboard for an operating unit of a healthcare organization.

On the basis of identified weaknesses, the improvement implementation plans, and your knowledge of the unit:

  • Create four categories of measurement. They must include both clinical and financial categories. Describe the categories and write a justification for each.
  • For each category, create at least three specific performance measures. For each measure, describe how it is calculated and where the data can be found.
  • Explain how the performance measures may change if the unit of analysis is the organization as a whole and not a specific operating unit.

Part II

In addition, present a 5-page plan addressing the following quality management plan controls:

  • Discuss issues to be considered with the implementation of the improvement program.
    • Staff acceptance of change
    • Implementation time frame
  • Discuss issues involved in the collection and analysis of data.
    • Data collection
    • Data analysis process
  • Identify and describe a desired outcome of the quality improvement plan.

Compile all your course project work into a quality management plan report. The report should be a 15-page Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. You need not use any template for the report; design it on the basis of the specific issue you have selected.

Submission Details:

  • On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.
Project Task 3.docx

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