HLS3302 Columbia Southern University Meaning of Terrorism Essay

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Business Finance


Columbia Southern University


After reading the unit lesson and Chapters 3 and 4 of the RAND report found in the required reading for this unit, compose an essay that addresses the following items:

  • the meaning of terrorism and how it can impact all aspects of society,
  • the threat of international terrorist groups and the ramifications of this threat on future trends related to hard and soft targets, and
  • the threat of domestic terrorism and homegrown extremism and the ramifications of this threat on future trends.

Your paper must be at least two pages in length. Use at least one outside source in addition to the RAND report to support your position. All sources used, including the article, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying in-text citations and references in APA style.


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Explanation & Answer


Running head: TERRORISM


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Terrorism is, in the most extensive perception, the utilization of deliberately aimless
brutality as a way to generate extreme fear among masses of individuals; or dread to accomplish
a religious or political purpose (Wight, 2015). Terrorism is anything but a 21st-century marvel
and has its underlying foundations in early obstruction and political developments. The
utilization of terrorism to promote a political purpose has increased in rate over the years. Present
day terrorism to a great extent originated after the Second World War with the ascent of patriot
developments in the old domains of the European forces.
How Terrorism Impact all Aspects of Society
Terrorism has a significant impact on the economic situation of the society; the promptest
and quantifiable effect of terrorism is physical pulverization. Terrorists decimate ex...

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