corp finance and retailing

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Business Finance


1) What is a derivatives contract? Explain using your own language( do not copy and paste and if you do so you will not get any credit) what is a option, a future and a warrant?

2)What are the advantages and disadvantages of early and late markdown policies. Name a minimum of three each (advantage & disadvantage) and provide an explanation.

3)Should a retailer’s right to security take precedence over an employee’s and a customer’s right to privacy when the retailer sets up an electronic monitoring system in its stores to curb losses from theft?

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: CORP


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1. Derivatives
A derivative contract stems upon the value of a product or a service and is an agreement

between two or more parties. The implied contract gets actualized by a purchase of an asset such
as bonds and securities (Whaley, 2003). For this note, derivate contracts are always fluctuating
since the values of the assets keep changing as well.
A future relates to an agreement between two parties in which both come to terms as
relates the joint purchase of a product. They agree on the pricing and the subsequent payment as
well as the delivery, which gets understood to after some time in the future. Notably, this
arrangement excels in popularity among derivative contract. An option is akin to a future in
terms of commonality but stands out in that one of the parties to the option, namely the buyer,
can decid...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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