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In Task 1 you determined how much of your own money you’re willing to spend to get your business started. This is your limit—when making your product you can’t exceed this amount.

 a. Write an inequality that represents the fact that while making your product you can’t exceed this spending limit.

 b. Solve this inequality and graph the solution on a number line. Explain what your solution means in terms of the situation

. c. In Task 1 you determined how much you will charge for each item

. Write an equation that represents your total earnings based on the price of your item and how many you sell.

 d. Using your answer from part B and your equation from part C, what is the most money you can hope to earn from your business?

 e. Don’t forget that at the beginning of the process you had to spend some of your own money to get started. With the costs taken into account, what was your total profit? Did you make money or lose money? Now that you have these values, would you adjust your business plan from Task 1? If so, how?

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