Purdue University Harvest Plan Presentation

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Business Finance

Purdue University


For this assignment, you will create a harvest plan by describing in detail the reasons to start a new business after a failure, how you will execute the plan, and all the intricate parts of your plan. Follow the steps below to complete this assignment:

  • Discuss in detail exit strategy(ies) and why they are appropriate.
  • Be very specific in your details about the business that you would start if your original business where to fail.
  • Present each and every element in your harvest plan. You may use diagrams and/or graphs to aid in the explanation of your harvest plan. (These visual aids will be especially helpful when you choose multiple harvest strategies – to show how the strategies work together. If you use any visual aids, be sure to provide descriptive details of the image below each of them).
  • Keep in mind, some exit strategies are industry specific and some are more effective than others in different situations. Ensure your harvest plan can be executed in your industry.

Please view the attached instructions for this assignment which includes the page limit requirement. Also, the Extra Credit Powerpoint needs to accompany this assignment so pay close attention to its requirements.

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Research Paper Guidelines You will select any subject contained within the course textbook and conduct further in-depth research. You can choose any subject that is covered during the semester. You must send the instructor an email containing two research project subjects prior to Module 3 for approval. You may submit this assignment anytime up until the due date and time of Module 3. The instructor will award your subject based on your request. No two students will do research on the same subject so whoever submits their choices for approval first will most likely be awarded their first choice. Your paper must be 5 to 7 pages (or more if you choose) in length, the title page and reference pages are not a part of the page count. The paper must be presented in APA (American Psychological Association) style writing. Access this link for specific guidelines on APA style research paper presentation – Purdue University APA Writing Guide (opens in new window). You can use the course text book as one of your references, however; you must use at least six outside references for your research sources. The research paper will be due in Module 14. No late submissions will be accepted. Be sure that your paper meets the assigned page requirements and that you use standard one-inch margins, 12-point font, and double spacing. It must cover the topic effectively and present a well-developed thesis, supported by evidence from primary and secondary sources. It must in some way demonstrate an understanding of the development of scholarship on the topic – that is, the paper itself must incorporate in the text and notes an adequate discussion of the scholarly works on the subject. In addition, it must have a title page that includes your name and an appropriate title for your research. Pages, including bibliography, must be numbered, starting on the first page of text. The one exception is the title page, which should not have a number. The first page of text of the paper should be page 1. Do not forget to follow the general formatting guidelines for APA papers. Proofread! Carefully use spelling and grammar check built into word-processing programs. In general, the research paper is graded on what the student demonstrates about his/her: • • • • • • • • • • research skills ability to think critically about a topic and the sources necessary to study and limit that topic ability to combine information and ideas into a focused, organized, supported an argument ability to write a grammatical, stylistic, mechanically correct essay ability to document and list sources accurately and usefully specifically, the research paper is graded on (see grade rubric below) title page (clarity, usefulness, accuracy) title (usefulness, accuracy) introduction (specificity, clarity, appeal) thesis (clarity, initial presentation, use throughout paper, thoughtfulness, accuracy) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • arguments/evidence (breadth, logic, quality, use) organization (clarity, logic, consistency, within paragraphs, in an overall paper) focus mechanics sentence structure punctuation (usage, spacing) voice (avoidance of passive) person (avoidance of first and second) tense (logic, consistency) spelling proofreading page numbering (in the text, in notes, and in the bibliography) use of APA style writing research (depth, breadth) exploitation of sources (in notes, in the text) documentation (giving credit for ideas, facts, words) documentation style format quotations according to APA guidelines conclusion (thoughtfulness, appeal, appropriateness, usefulness) Format: APA (American Psychological Association) style must be used. Go to the Purdue Online Writing Lab Website (open in new window) if you need instruction on how to properly write in APA style. ALL REFERENCES MUST BE CITED PROPERLY. EACH REPORT WILL BE CHECKED FOR COPIED MATERIALS. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE, THAT WILL AUTOMATICALLY RESULT IN A GRADE OF ZERO. Follow all citation guidelines. Extra Credit: Extra credit will be given for a Power Point presentation to accompany the report. The report and Power Point presentation should NOT contain the same information. The Power Point presentation should contain an additional entertaining and/or visual “boost” to your information in the presentation to receive the extra credit.
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Planning for the Harvest




Planning for the Harvest
Harvesting strategy is an important component of any business plan. It is the
termination of investment to derive maximum benefit when it is reasoned that further
investment will not be profitable. There are several reasons for harvesting a business, which
depend on the different aspects such as environmental issues to personal concerns. Personal
goals of the entrepreneur influence harvesting plan. Factors like retirement and the need to
create change when pursuing another business opportunity are some of the personal goals that
affect harvesting. In addition, financial reasons like performance level play a crucial role in
the harvesting plan. High performance is associated with higher harvesting success while
lower levels of performance mean reduced success. It usually advisable to harvest when the
business is performing well in terms of profits and sales revenues. The life cycle of the
business product is also a key factor to consider when creating the harvest plan.
Environmental issues to consider when developing the harvest plan are categorised into two:
macro and micro environmental factors. These factors influence harvesting strategy and have
diferent outcomes. The most common strategies that can be used to harvest from the business
include initial public offering, acquisition and liquidation.
Initial Public Offering
Initial public offering (IPO) is a common harvesting strategy in which a business sells
shares to the public. The decision to list shares means that the market will affect how shares
will be sold. Business owner and investors will lose direct control over the value for the
business and if this strategy is fruitful, the business will be left with a large amount of cash



and equity. One of the benefits of IPO as harvesting strategy is that they have great potential
to create large capital within short a time...

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