How many mL are required to be administered to a patient

User Generated




 PERSANTINE (dipyridamole) is supplied as a sterile vial containing 50 mg of dipyridamole/10 mL.  How many mL are required to be administered to a patient weighing 100 pounds if the dose is 0.57 mg dipyridamole/kg? 


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Explanation & Answer

Thank you for the opportunity to help you with your question!

50 mg / 10 mL = 5 mg / 1 mL

100 lbs = 45.35 kg

45.35 patient kg * 0.57 drug mg / patient kg = 25.85 drug mg

25.85 drug mg * 1 mL / 5 drug mg = 5.17 mL dipyridamole :)

Please let me know if you need any clarification. I'm always happy to answer your questions.

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