Writing post

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Business Finance


Q1. During our class we have discussed numerous businesses and how they market their products. One company that excels in the area of creating demand for their products is Apple. For this discussion board please watch the following video on Youtube,


This video is the original introduction by Steve Jobs, Apple’s founder, of the first iPhone to the marketplace. Keep in mind that prior to the iPhone the competitors’ phone were all very similar in appearance, functionality and design (you will see this illustrated during the video). For your initial post I would like each student to discuss Mr. Job’s approach to introducing Apple’s ‘revolutionary’ product. Did he discuss the phone’s functionality? How about the design, was this compared to the existing phones in the market? Do you think Mr. Jobs was the best person to do this? How do you think the new product was received by consumers? Briefly discuss your thoughts on Apple’s marketing approach for the introduction and promotion of this product.

Secondly, I will send 3 replies from others.. From 3 you have to give any two feedback.

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Explanation & Answer

please check the attached document for the post Thanks



Discussion Post


In my opinion, Steve Jobs remains to be the best business genius. While the other
companies are competing by lowering the prices to lure the customers, Steve depict that it is
more effective when the product or service provider can produce “smarter” products like the
iPhone tha...

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