The Administrator • The Director of Nursing (DON)

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Health Medical

Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare



For this assignment, you will interview with an individual who works in a healthcare institution. It could be a hospital department, an ambulatory facility, a long-term care facility, a health insurance company or managed care organization, an emergency management department, in health information systems, or in a home health or hospice, or health insurance company.

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COMMON ASSESSMENT PROJECT For this assignment, you will interview with an individual who works in a healthcare institution. It could be a hospital department, an ambulatory facility, a long-term care facility, a health insurance company or managed care organization, an emergency management department, in health information systems, or in a home health or hospice, or health insurance company. Your paper should be 4 -5 pages in length excluding cover page and references. You should note the following: 1. Follow the APA format 2. Do not use question and answer format for me 3. See grading rubric for guidance 4. Include all aspects of the interview questions as listed below. 5. Cite your sources. At least cite the textbook and other external sources. 6. Describe the department or facility you have chosen and nature of work done in the facility 7. Any interesting information related to your chosen department or facility you would like to share. Personnel to be interviewed must be ONE of the following: • • The Administrator The Director of Nursing (DON) • • • Any Licensed professional Department manager or A Full-time management employee Please be polite and introduce yourself as a student of AIU, an aspiring Healthcare Management Professional. Express your appreciation to the chosen personnel for helping you with your interview project by answering the questions below: If she prefers to be anonymous, no problem with that. • • • • • • • • • What department is he/she working? What are his/her primary duties? What qualifications does one need to function in his/her position, including educational qualifications? Who are the clients? What can be done from her perspective to market the services they provide? Why was licensure required for his/her job if any? Are there other areas he/she can function effectively? If so where? Has the Affordable Care Act has any effect on healthcare from his/her perspective? If yes how? Ask for any advice he/she could give you in you as an aspiring healthcare manager. You will then summarize your interview and cite your references.
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An Interview with a Healthcare Administrator




An Interview with a Healthcare Administrator
A healthcare administrator is responsible for the efficiency of the daily operations of a
healthcare institution. Their roles, duties, and responsibilities differ depending on the facility
with which they are placed. However, regardless of the size, location, and specialization of their
facility, their role is pivotal to the smooth running of the facility through the dispensation of
affordable and quality healthcare services and the maintenance of a safe and conducive
environment for the recuperation of the patients. For this assignment, I interview a healthcare
administrator at a long-term care facility to gain insight into their responsibilities, qualifications,
and challenges and gain insight on what to expect as an aspiring healthcare manager.
The interview subject is a female administrator at a long-term care facility which
specializes in the care of its patients who are the elderly and other patients in need of long term
care due to conditions such as cognitive impairment, chronic illness, disability, or injury. She
requested anonymity and will be referred to as *Cassie, the administrator for facility X
henceforth. *Cassie works in the facility’s administration department as the senior administrator.
The role, she says, requires one to have a license which is granted after taking a licensure exam
whose qualifications are a bachelor’s degree and field experience in the field to ensure that only
qualified and competent people run healthcare facil...

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